
instagram cookie

I’m such a sucker for iPhone App crafts. There is just something so sweet and loving about replicating those little icons that are the backdrop of my hectic everyday. I have to admire the fact that someone paused to take the time to recompose the colors, the shapes, and remind me of the art behind some of these icons.

I hate to do this, but I don’t know the reference for this cookie! I happened upon it from Pinterest, which lead me to a really funny tumblr called Epic Ponyz, who in turn got it from We Heart it, thought I don’t know if that was another re-blog or the original artist.

Anyway, if anyone knows the origin of the instagram cookie, leave it in the comments and I will update the post. Otherwise, I’ve just given you an additional tumblr or two that will suck your time away. You’re welcome!

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