Handmade Star Wars Dress

We’ve featured a few great handmade dresses on Geek Crafts recently – there was the Starfleet dress, the dragon dress, the space dress and the rather bizarre bread tag dress. So here’s another wonderful user submission – a handmade Star Wars dress:

Star Wars Dress by Cation Desgns

Cindy of Cation Designs last year acquired some original Star Wars: A New Hope bed sheets, and did what any crafty science teacher would do: turn them into a dress. And while Cindy is pretty critical of it on her blog, I think we can all agree that it looks incredible.

There are a few other geeky dresses on Cation Designs as well that are worth a look. Check out the Batman Dress or Spiderman Dress, for example. It’s times like this that I wish I owned a sewing machine, knew how to operate one, and had patience in buckets. But then if we could all do this, it wouldn’t be nearly as awesome, would it?!