Looking for Writers!


I’m trying to get everything lined up to make Geek Crafts better than ever this summer. If you would like to be a writer, send me a mock post at geekcrafts@gmail.com. Find any geek crafty item and write a post about it. Even if you’ve sent one before, feel free to send it again so I can keep this party going!! There’s no pay for this position, but you do get bragging rights!

What this would mean: I would need you to commit to posting at least once a week, have functional knowledge of WordPress including how to upload media, and proof-reading is the ultimate skill I require you to have.

So what are you waiting for? Hit me with your best shot and you may get to join the Geek Crafts team!!

And because who likes text only posts, I  give you this:



I spoil you.

Stay Awesome,
