Dalek Kitchen Towel

This awesome hand sewn Dalek Kitchen Towel is the perfect way to EXTERMINATE wetness on your hands in the kitchen (oh, what? They can’t all be good!). Chelsey made this Doctor Who inspired kitchen towel as a gift for her brother-in-law, and I loved it as soon as I saw it sitting there in my inbox. A geek after my own heart, she writes in her blog about her journey towards accepting herself as a fan of sci-fi (I’ve been there & done that, Chelsey!) and promises more sci-fi inspired crafts to come.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch

If you’re like me, anything that glorifies geekdom is awesome, and if it glorifies geekdom in a hilarious way that may or may not feature a Battlestar Galactica toaster, then…it’s even more awesome! DoAFlip posted this great Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch featuring the game of internet fame and a quote from the Big Bang Theory episode that brought it to the world. Haven’t seen it? Well the rules are simple:

  1. Scissor cuts paper
  2. Paper covers rock
  3. Rock smashes lizard
  4. Lizard poisons Spock.
  5. Spock smashes scissors
  6. Scissors decapitates lizard
  7. Lizard eats paper
  8. Paper disproves Spock
  9. Spock vaporizes rock
  10. Rock smashes scissors.

Easy enough, right? And this great cross-stitch is perfect for reminding us that there is always an amicable way (that includes Spock) to settle an argument.

Dr. Horrible Status Quo Cross-Stitch

So almost a year ago, I posted this awesome Dr. Horrible Cross-Stitch, and if you’re like me, you like symmetry, so you’ve got to have two, right? Well that’s where this Dr. Horrible Status Quo Cross-Stitch by Armaine comes in! (via craftster)

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas–Star Trek

I stumbled upon this hilarious version of ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas–Star Trek, while trying to find some geeky Christmas cookies, but believe me, if you surf over to fiftiesweb and read this poem in it’s entirety you won’t be sad I didn’t didn’t find any cookies featuring Spock in a Santa Hat.

It’s Riker, It’s Data,

        It’s Worf and Jean-Luc!

        It’s Geordi, And Wesley, the genetic fluke!

        To the top of the bridge, to the top of the hall!

        Now float away! Float away! Float away all!”


        As leaves in the autumn are whisked off the street,

        So the floor of the bridge came away from our feet,

        And up to the ceiling, our bodies they flew,

        As the Captain called out,

        “What the Hell is this, Q?!”

The ornament pictured is from Hallmark‘s incredibly popular Star Trek ornament line–a new one comes out every year, so check your Hallmark store for this year’s, and have a very geeky Christmas Eve!