Monster Eyes Slippers

monster eyes slippers

Wow – check out these great crocheted monster eyes slippers! I love them – too bad my wife can’t make me some (she lacks the skillz).

Premier Yarns has branched out into some geek crafts for us to enjoy! They created a pattern for these awesome monster eyes slippers you see above and are giving the pattern away for FREE on their website.

And… they have offered all Geek Crafts readers a discount on any purchases made at Premier Yarns – use the code OCTG33K during the month of October to get 10% off any purchase of Dream yarns (the yarn used in the pattern).

Now, go out there and make some monster eyes slippers and show us the finished result!

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Brian is the founde/creator of GeekCrafts and has been a geek all of his life and embraces it. When he is not Geek Crafting, he's making stuff with HDPE, dabbling in woodworking, and writing Java code.

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