Just Five More Minutes…

just five more minutes

Rocío Suárez Cazorla really captures the spirit of our household with this print.

Dinner ready? Just five more minutes.
Train about to leave? Just five more minutes.
Doorbell rings, mom is visiting? Just give me five more minutes, I’m almost finished…

You get the idea.

For more gamer goods, check out her Etsy store Geek & Art.

Lego Instructions, Organized

Lego instruction books, organized in page protectors and binders

This project isn’t so crafty as it is DIY, but I figured if you have Legos around your house, this might come in handy: Lego Instruction Books, Organized.

This is one of those projects that is a bit time-consuming, but so worth it in the end.

I have crochet patterns in a binder, in different sections like hats, shrugs, afghans, and bags. Can you think of some booklets that might be handy to have all page-protectored & binder-ized?

So Be It. You Shall Be the Fellowship of the Scarf

So everyone has seen the new trailer for the Desolation of Smaug right? Of course you have. Now back to the scarf. This is an epic double knit scarf of the iconic image from Fellowship of the Ring


Fellowship Scarf


Look at this scarf.  Now look at this poster. That is some good work right there. Tumblr user, The day was new, does great double knitting work. And she designed this on the fly using the image. The Tree of Gondor chart is available for free on Raverly. I only have so many crafty hours in the day. I just need a few extra.




Harry Potter House Points Necklace


Whether you’re Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin, these necklaces will help you show off your house pride as you display all the points you have acquired during the year.  Ingulit created a tutorial for making your very own house points necklace on Instructables (you can find the tutorial here).  It looks relatively easy, and the result is super nifty.   You can make yourself a single necklace or go for the whole set.  (I say, go for the whole set!)


Giant Totoro

Giant Totoro

LadyKatka from Ravelry made this incredibly huge Totoro. Seriously, he weighs 14.8 lbs. For those people without Ravelry accounts, do not despair, all the photos are on Flickr too. It’s worth clicking through for the rest of the photos – my favourite is the one where he takes up her entire backseat.