Tutorial Tuesday: Piranha Plant Party Bowls!

There are all sorts of rumours about backstage parties at rock concerts, where debauched millionaires would be served illegal substances off of naked ladies’ stomachs … but when I’m a millionaire I want candy… served from a Piranha Plant!

Luckily Cute as a Fox has a fantastic tutorial to enable my minions to make them for me! … THAT was lucky…

Seriously though, imagine having these at a wedding reception? how hard would that rock!?


Planet Plushies

plush planets

As we reach the dog days of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, I hope you are getting a chance to get outside and enjoy the summer nights.  If you are a star-gazer like myself, you might enjoy these plushy little planets.  They have a few advantages over real planets such as: great visibility from your sleeping bag and a lack of toxic gases and or deadly temperatures. In fact, they seem downright friendly! Even our buddy Pluto made it in!


As someone who recently bought a new house, I’ve been looking for some adorable and geeky ways to spruce up the place. Then today, I came across this adorable tutorial for a TARDIS key.

Haley from The Zen of Making posted this great step by step tutorial to create your very own TARDIS key. It’s a cheap and simple way to show your nerdy side and help keep your keys from getting mixed up.

After all, home is where the TARDIS is.

It’s been a year…

… since the last movie in the HaIt's been a yearrry Potter Series premiered but the fandom has not abated in it’s love for Hogwarts and it’s inhabitants, both good and bad.  That’s a good thing, the longevity of it remains and so does the crafting inspiration that many find from the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

For those wanting to show their continued loyalty in a fashionable way, Rachael, who has the TrenoNights shop on Etsy, offers these tiny recreation of the Harry Potter books as earrings.  The customer can pick any two books to make up the pair of earrings or let Rachael pick them for you.

A Nerd Bouquet

sherlock doctor who bouquet

What’s geekier than a Sherlock Holmes wedding? How about a Doctor Who wedding? Or… wait for it… a Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who wedding? Sadly, I can’t access what I hope are many more pictures because flickr is being janky, but the first image is quite promising! It’s a bridal bouquet made from pages of Sherlock Holmes and with a sonic screwdriver stem. And, if the bouquet doesn’t satisfy your Whovian/Holmesian cravings, just rewatch (yes, I said rewatch; I know you’ve all seen it at least once!) the Doctor and Sherlock face off via the song “Anything You Can Do.”