Monty Python Bracelet

Monty Python Bracelet class=

You must bring us….a shrubbery!!! Flickr user tattooed_geek made this absolutely perfect charm bracelet based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail. She made a vicious bunny rabbit (with “nasty, big, pointy teeth”), a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, a shrubbery!, galloping coconut, and an actual Holy Grail, all made from shrink plastic (remember Shrink Dinks?).

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amigurumi

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amigurumi
Craftster user Falwyn crocheted these super cute Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles dolls for her kids, based on Atsuko’s pattern. Falwyn made the shells differently than Atsuko, and provided those directions in her post. Personally, I would have made the shells bigger, but all in all, this would make a great little gift for geeks large and small.

Top 10: R2-D2 Crafts

Our first Weekend 10 installment is all about everyone’s favorite Star Wars droid, R2-D2.

1. R2-D2 Cake

Flickr user sugarlipscakes made this R2-D2 cake for Dave’s 30th birthday. Dave’s a lucky man.

R2D2 Cake

2. R2-D2 PC Case Mod

The Contaminated posted this incredible R2-D2 case modification. Unfortunately, there’s no instructions or further information. Not that any of us mere mortals could duplicate this amazing feat of engineering anyway.

R2-D2 Case

Continue reading Top 10: R2-D2 Crafts

HOWTO: Tetris Magnets

My inspiration for making these were the “Tetrius Puzzle Game Magnets” from ThinkGeek. I had a TG gift certificate I had to spend and came across them. I thought they would be cool to put on the fridge or on my metal cabinet at work. As luck would have it, they were out of stock at the time and I started thinking… it should be easy to make something like that at home for much less than $10 for a set. So, what follows is how to make your own.

Thinkgeek store-bought plastic Tetris magnets home-made geekcrafts Tetris magnets
[Thinkgeek store-bought plastic Tetris magnets] [home-made Geekcrafts Tetris magnets]

Continue reading HOWTO: Tetris Magnets