Dr. Who Tardis Earrings

I love Doctor Who.  I have been watching since I was a wee little geek boy and the series has continued to entertain me as I have grown into a strapping geek man. Julie Smith of BohemianCraftsody on Etsy makes all kinds of geeky jewelry, but these Tardis earrings are perfect in my opinion.  The … Continue reading Dr. Who Tardis Earrings

Exploding TARDIS Shoes

Man I wish I could draw. Then I could try to make these for myself! cakewalkqueen made a pair of Exploding TARDIS sneakers using sharpies! She based them on a pair she saw on Etsy that feature Van Gogh’s drawing of the TARDIS exploding from the Doctor Who episode “The Pandorica Opens”. One shoe says … Continue reading Exploding TARDIS Shoes