
instagram cookie

I’m such a sucker for iPhone App crafts. There is just something so sweet and loving about replicating those little icons that are the backdrop of my hectic everyday. I have to admire the fact that someone paused to take the time to recompose the colors, the shapes, and remind me of the art behind some of these icons.

I hate to do this, but I don’t know the reference for this cookie! I happened upon it from Pinterest, which lead me to a really funny tumblr called Epic Ponyz, who in turn got it from We Heart it, thought I don’t know if that was another re-blog or the original artist.

Anyway, if anyone knows the origin of the instagram cookie, leave it in the comments and I will update the post. Otherwise, I’ve just given you an additional tumblr or two that will suck your time away. You’re welcome!

Famine Pony Cake…Ok, let me explain

Some time ago, my fantastic husband surprised me with a shirt from Shirt Woot that featured The Four Little Ponies of the apocalypse. Some girls like jewelry, some girls are into chocolate, I love me some creepy-end-times mixed in with beloved childhood toys. In case you haven’t seen the shirt, here is the image:

I try to be careful where I wear it. Once I was waiting for a table at a popular Sunday brunch spot  and a little girl was excitedly pointing to my shirt. Her grandmother was like, “Oh look! You like those don’t yyyy…” and then she must have spied the famine pony because she shielded the little girls eyes and walked away from me.


Sorry grandma and little girl! I didn’t mean to horrify ya’ll.

Anyway, I didn’t realize that there was a Robot Chicken (I know, I don’t have cable…) tie-in with The Four Ponies of the Apocalypse until I stumbled upon this wonderfully geeky blog called Geek Sweets (lives up to its promise, check it out, so cute) and I found a Famine Pony cake! So yay, you guys!  I mean, boo to actual famine, but… Yay Jenny at Geek Sweets and yay internet for bringing the weird stuff together.

If anyone knows more about the origin of these ponies, feel free to leave it in the comments. Like I said, I knew very little outside of finding the t-shirt to be hilarious and a sweet gift.

Star Trek cookies!

I’m really a diehard Next Generation Fan, but I put de-crinkled my nose for the original when I saw these cookies because THEY ARE SO CUTE, RIGHT?

I love that Darla was conscious about designing the cookies so that they had more of a cute look about them as opposed to something action-figure-ish and she pulled it off like a champ.  Like I want to see a cartoon series based on her character design (what do you think, Darla?).  With how minimalist the details must be to pull off a cookie, she does such a great job with picking the exactly right details to include to convey the character.

Darla’s got a lot of great instructions and tips if you want to recreate these cookies back on her blog, Bakingdom. Be sure to check out her sketch sheet. So cute!

Come to the Dark (Chocolate) Side

Since yesterday’s post was a duplicate of an earlier one (oops!), I decided to atone for the mistake by posting something delightful (and not a repeat). Voilà the following awesomeness.

Damn, I would totally join the Dark Side if work parties involved cakes like this one! Talented baker Bernice Camlin (aka Smurfesque) has not just created a Death Star cake that both looks awesome and sounds like it tastes amazing, she has graciously posted a tutorial so even those of us who aren’t professional cake artistes can make our own. At some point in my life, this is going to happen. I will make it so! Wait, that’s the wrong sci-fi. See, I’m just that excited about this cake.

Little Big Planet Cake

My amazing husband’s birthday is coming up this week (Happy Birthday, mishu!) and you know what he is not going to get: a fabulous birthday cake featuring his favorite video game, because I am not as talented or patient as Metria. Metria, I hope Shawn appreciated the heck out of this cake, girl!

You can find more pictures of the cake as well as a how-to following the links below. The quick specs are: butter cream, fondant, and wooden dowels. I know! Wooden dowels! That is where I bow out and accept defeat. Check it out, his itty bitty zipper  made me all >>>squee<<<<

Wonder-ful cookies

Wonder Woman cookies

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
All the world’s waiting for you,
and the power you possess.

In your satin tights,
Fighting for your rights
And the old Red, White and Blue.

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
Now the world is ready for you,
and the wonders you can do.

Surely such a great role model deserves to be honored in cookie form, right? But who is up to the baking challenge? Bridget at Bakeat350 was. And for us lesser mortals, she has even created a stepped-out tutorial on how to shape the cookies into proper voluptuousness, AND how flood fill each part with just the right frosting.

Be sure to also check out her invisible jet – she nailed it exactly right, don’t you think?