Leftover Peeps? Peep S’mores!

If you’re like me, you have at least a dozen Peeps sitting around your house getting stale. Before anybody freaks out–yes, I do know that some people prefer them stale, I’m not here to judge, just to let you in on a little secret I learned a few years ago.

Two Words: Peep S’mores. Now all you really have to do is take one Peep, roast it over a small flame, then throw it between two pieces of graham cracker with a hunk of chocolate (that’s how we did it). The colored sugar sort of caramelizes, the inside melts, and it’s just amazing. I wouldn’t suggest eating more than a couple unless you want to sugar crash harder than you ever have in your life.

Nicole at Baking Bites comes through with an easier Peep S’more (pictured above) where you just pop it all into your microwave and enjoy. She does warn that Peeps will explode in the microwave if nuked too long, so be careful, lest you wast precious Peeps & chocolate.

Twitter Cake (Twake?)

If you are a twit who can stop tweeting than the word “twake” probably doesn’t seem the least bit odd to you. Twitter is taking off in a big way, sparking debates about  it’s “importance” and it’s affect on society as a whole. More than that, it’s become a huge community full of people who are positively addicted to reading and posting updates that answer the simple question “What are you doing?”. Well what @GDruckman was doing was having a birthday! Thankfully Geri posted a picture of this awesome Twitter Cake made to celebrate said birthday on Natuba. Let the kids have The Little Mermaid, I want a Twake! (Of course this begs the question, if I make a cake for someone to cheer them up after being fired, should I feature the “Fail Whale” on it?).

Child’s Play Chucky Cake

Today has been a pretty horrifying day. To start, I had to be at work at four am (horrors and terrors you could only dream of), then, after work (and a nap) a friend and I went “urban exploring” in an incredibly creepy mostly abandoned ghost town very near to “Devil’s Crater”, so when this little gem showed up in my inbox this afternoon, I knew what I had to do.

R0ckwithme posted this delectable and terrifying Child’s Play Chucky Cake she made for her beau’s twelve year old son on craftster. Immediately, visions of slumber parties of yester-year, hiding under sleeping bags and convincing myself that every doll, teddy bear, or vaguely humanoid toy I owned was definitely Chucky, and was definitely going to kill me.

I can honestly say that until today, no cake so well-decorated has ever intimidated me, but this one…well…takes the cake.

My Pet Virus by Shawn Decker & Some Awesome Vampire Crafts!


My Pet Virus by Shawn Decker is probably the funniest book you will ever pick up. Now, I admit, this isn’t something you expect to hear about a real-life-story of a kid with hemophilia who ends up contracting HIV through a blood transfusion, but that’s only because you don’t know Shawn Decker. Shawn has faced down his HIV positive status with a twisted sense of humor and a series of anecdotes that will challenge what you think you know about prejudice, AIDS and life as a teenager while making you laugh until your guts hurt.

In addition to writing My Pet Virus and performing in the band Synthetic Division, Shawn, and his HIV-negative wife, Gwenn travel the world educating people about AIDS and safe sex. They believe that if a “positoid” and a “negatoid” (Shawn’s terms–read the book and find out more) can make a sexually active marriage work, then maybe other people should be aware of how to do it, too. In addition, Shawn has recently finished his first fiction work, a story about vampires, and if you are anxiously awaiting the release, you will find updates at his blog Shawn & Gwenn: Blog.

Even though Shawn has just finished one of the more hectic times of year in his life, he agreed to sit down and answer a few questions for our Geek Crafts readers.

So you grew up in a small town as a hemophiliac, HIV positive kid who loved
Depeche Mode…did you ever see yourself traveling the US speaking publicly
about your cult-hit memoir and safe sex?

I really had no idea I’d be talking about my HIV status with my friends, let alone strangers.  At age 20, around the same time I definitively decided that Black Celebration was Depeche Mode’s finest album, I realized I wanted to open up about my HIV status.  At that point, I’d been diagnosed half my life, and it seemed like an exciting thing to do.  Also, I was inspired by Pedro Zamora, who’d been on MTV’s Real World reality show.  He was young, HIV positive and speaking at college campuses.  He passed to spirit a couple of years before I started educating about HIV, but I was able to meet his partner, Sean, and his roommate, Judd Winick, both of whom I thanked for the inspiration.
Continue reading My Pet Virus by Shawn Decker & Some Awesome Vampire Crafts!

TEN Awesome Iron Man Crafts & Projects

Who didn’t love the Iron Man movie? Here are ten of the most awesome Iron Man craft projects that you can do for $20 grand or less…most of them a LOT less!

Iron Man Full Body Suit











The Popular Mechanics website featured this “home made” Iron Man suitcrafted by Norweigan costume enthusiast,  John Kristiansen and a group of his friends that call themselves TMP. They attempted to create this costume before the May release of the Iron Man film, with nothing but promo pictures of the suit and twenty-thousand dollars.

Yes, you read that correctly! Kristiansen and his pals spent TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS on this realistic costume. It came out so close to perfect that Paramount hired Kristiansen to make appearances around Europe to promote the DVD release, and he plans to use it for charity fundraisers and to talk to children about saftey, saying:

you may not listen to your parents, but if Iron Man tells you to wear a bike helmet, you’re going to do it.

So next time you have an extra twenty thousand sitting around, consider building a costume for a major-blockbuster film!

Continue reading TEN Awesome Iron Man Crafts & Projects

Ten Great “Tux” the Linux Penguin Crafts

What geek doesn’t at least respect Linux? And even if you aren’t a fan of the OS, who doesn’t love Tux the Linux Penguin? I know I do! So here are ten of the coolest Tux projects I could find on the world wide web.

3D Tux Cake

For those of you with a sweet tooth, Joseph Hall posted this amazing 3-D Tux cake on his blog that he baked in his own apartment kitchen! He even includes step by step instructions and a list of things you will need if you decide to tackle this adorable and tasty project.


Continue reading Ten Great “Tux” the Linux Penguin Crafts