Black Crafts for Black Friday

So now that you’ve stuffed your face, it’s time to empty your wallet! Or, if you’re looking to save some cash, it’s time to get crafting! In honor of Black Friday (the shopaholic’s national holiday and every retail worker’s worst nightmare) here are some Black Crafts (note: not Dark Arts, that’s a differnent blog all together).

Chain Chomp Hat

The Knitting Ninja posted this Chain Chomp Hat on her blog. Chomps may not be the most commonly knitted Mario Bros villian, but they are the ones that look the coolest when they appear to be eating your head.

Mad Dog Softie

Morus sewed this Mad Dog Softie from the book “Softies Only A Mother Could Love” and posted it on craftster. He’s not particularly geeky, but he’s freaking adorable in an “I’m gonna bite your face off” sort of way.

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