Stay-Puft Marshmallow Madness

While dressing up for Halloween is my all-time favorite part, making scary Halloween food runs a close second. Many people know about using spagetti for guts and peeled grapes for eyeballs, but my favorite is making Zombie eyes (aka deviled eggs with green food coloring and red squiggles on the egg whites and a black olive slice on the yolks). For all of you Ghostbusters fans, Nerd by Night (who you might remember from my Don’t Panic towel messenger bag post) has a great recipe and idea to make Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man meringue cookies.

Stay-Puft Meringue Marshmallow Men

Slightly smaller than the 100ft tall terror that rampaged through New York, these Stay-Pufts are just the right size to impress your friends AND be eaten! All you need is some sugar, egg whites, cream of tartar, (Nerd by Night links to a great meringue recipe as well), and some colored icing. Good luck, and great eats!