A Papercraft Millenium Falcon That Will Blow Your Mind


It might look like computer graphics, but no.  This is made from paper–well, 99% of it.  The artist, Bernard Szukiel, says it took him 4 years to build this 38″ long model using photos he found on the internet, fiber optic lights, and LEDs.  For more AMAZING photos of this incredible model, you’ve got to check out his gallery!

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Friday Round-Up: Fish with Feet

So, this week’s Friday Round-Up celebrates one of my heroes, Darwin. The well-known two legged take on the ichthys symbol  is used by fans of evolution (can a scientific theory have fans? Does it matter if it does or not? It’s popularity’s kinda irrelevant; it’s still true…). Darwin Fish (Or Tonys, as all good Feeters know) are rough depictions of Ichyostega, the remains of which are important transitional fossils between tetrapods and fish, since they have a tail and gulls akin to fish but amphibian style skull and limbs.

So, I present to you my ten favourite crafts in honour of both Darwin and Tony…

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