What a crazy random happenstance!

If you have these on your wall, what does it say to people who walk into your house?

“I have a PHD in horribleness.”
“You’re driving a spork into your leg.”
“I don’t go to the gym, I’m just naturally like this.”

somekindofrobot on Etsy has made these beautiful canvas paintings of your favorite Dr. Horrible characters. They’re definitely unique and will certainly liven up the place when Dr. Horrible gives you the keys to a shiny new Australia. 

Also in her shop you’ll find a Boba Fett canvas painting, Ghostbusters painting, and even a GLaDOS painting.

GLaDOS cosplay

I mentioned in a recent post that my daughter is very in to Gir these days. She’s also very in to the video game PortalPortal 2 to be specific. If she sees any expanse of flat white wall, she remarks, “that would be a good place for a portal.” Very observant and strategic, my last-born.

So again, in honor of her, I bring you another Halloween costume idea. Via GeeksAreSexy.net, here’s an interesting manga/anime-esque interpretation of GLaDOS.

Portal GLaDOS cosplay

Per Wikipedia, GLaDOS is “short for Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, a fictional artificially intelligent computer system in Valve Software’s Half-Life video game series and the main antagonist in the video games Portal and Portal 2...She is responsible for testing and maintenance in Aperture Science research facility in both video games.” Some call her “a narcissist, passive-aggressive, sinister, and witty. She has been considered one of the greatest video game characters ever created, particularly from 2000 to 2009.” “A number of websites and magazines listed her as one of the greatest video game villains including IGN, which ranked her the all-time greatest.”

Here’s what GLaDOS really looks like in the game, as well as a shot of the voice actress Ellen McLain. (via ThePlayVault.com).

Portal GLaDOS and voice actress Ellen McLain


Portal Hoops

This is such a cool idea! I wish I had thought of this. TroubleT made these for her husband as part of his Father’s Day present (apparently she spoiled him big time–she also stitched him a Binary Man). This is so simple yet SO brilliant…I’m still kicking myself about not thinking to paint hoops as portals!