Hoth Is Where the Hearth Is

Hoth is Where The Hearth Is

On cold, dark winter nights my old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere bears an unsettling resemblance to the mountain caves of Hoth.  When the world outside my front door is supposed to be devoid of human forms I love to park myself in front of our little fireplace with a book or a board game.  Recently I’ve been trying to think of ways to make the space even cozier, and stumbled across the rustic charm of this DIY Wampa“ bear rug” from Health, Wealth, and Home.

Hoth is Where The Hearth Is2
…and this DIY wall-mounted Wampa head created by Kat and Cam from Our Nerd Home.

The best part is that both of these crafts are handmade and don’t require any actual hunting of Wampas, so there’s no risk of running into red tape with the Galactic Alliance.

And speaking of Our Nerd Home, do you remember this 8-bit fireplace?  What a creative (and surprisingly inexpensive) idea for a fireplace, don’t you think?

Crocheted Mario Raccoon Rug

enemyairship just posted for the first time on Craftster and she’s starting off good! She crocheted this 8-bit Mario Raccoon (my favorite Mario!) rug as a birthday present for her boyfriend. And it’s huge – 7 feet! Click through for some in progress photos as well as how she went about making this with granny squares.