Fleur Delacour Costume


Prendolyn the Weird blogs all Harry Potter crafts, all the time at Wilcox Wizard Wear. Click through to read five posts detailing how she made this wonderful Fleur Delacour costume to wear to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. She did everything from sewing the dress and capelet to painting a pair of shoes to making the wool hat. (Is there a verb for hat making? Besides hat making?) I am in awe and plan on spending some quality time reading her entire blog.

Painted Dalek Shoes










Kelly_Bear posted this great at home Dalek-Shoe project on craftster.org. I suppose she felt that slip-on Vans just weren’t awesome enough, so she added her own Doomsday theme to these. On the heels they both say “EXTERMINATE!”. If you want some awesome Doctor Who shoes of your own, and just aren’t keen on Daleks, I say go for a TARDIS, I would think they are easier to paint anyway!

Pac-Man Week: Pac-Man Shoes

Pac-Man ShoesFlickr user thekalaka.com altered a plain pair of sneakers with what looks like vintage Pac-Man fabric and acrylic paint. There are a lot more photos of altered sneakers in his photoset – gafas y accesorios. After you look at those, click on over to his website, kalaka.com, to see his awesome Darth Vader picture. Geeky all around.