Monday Afternoon Quickie: Come On, Grab Your Friends!
Salutations, geekcrafters! Time for your weekly Monday Afternoon Quickie with Caitie. Sound like a blast? Great!

So, this week we are getting down with some Adventure Time! So go on, grab your friends & a sewing machine and check out ohnorachio‘s adorable stuffed animal/pillow DIY. These are so super cute, and super simple!
All you need is a printer, mild tracing skills, fabric paint, a sewing machine (or your hands. you can do it! get old school!), and something to stuff them with. Algebraic!

If you need more Adventure Time cuteness, check the links below. And if you aren’t already, follow me on instagram @notcaitiedavis! I’ll be posting pictures of my Adventure Time needlefelting all this week. Have a great Monday, everyone!
Check out these other cool Adventure Time links!;
- Adventure Time needlefelting on Geekcrafts!
- Makin’ Bacon Pancakes shirt from Perdita00 on Etsy!
- Adorable Finn doll from Kittyzilla at Handmade Stuffs!
- Oh My Glob! LSP embroidery from owlhaveyouinstitches on Etsy!
Monday Afternoon Quickie: Come On, Grab Your Friends!: Salutations, geekcrafters! Time for you…