Pure Unbridled Manliness!
Is this on? I can never tell if these things are working. Oh, it is? Excellent! We can just edit out the part where it looked like I didn’t know that.
My name is Pauly. I spend a lot of my time suspended in the air in comfortable chairs, or tasting strange foods, but when I am not traveling I am usually playing video games or thinking about playing video games. I am married to the lovely Redd and together we run Geekopolis, both the blog and the shop. As you can tell by my picture, I am very manly. I grew that mustache overnight in anticipation of taking this photo. You can find me all over the web, but mostly on Twitter.
Welcome to the crew, Pauly!
Yay! Welcome to the Thunderdome!
Welcome Pauly! Don’t get overwhelmed by all the estrogen flying around!