MakerFaire Kansas City
In 2006, Make magazine sponsored the first MakerFaire events in San Mateo, California, and since then has sponsored them all over the U.S. MakerFaire is a weekend exhibition of all sorts of things that people make. Basically, if you can make it, it deserves a place at this event.
Maker Faire is the premier event for grassroots American innovation. As the World’s Largest DIY Festival, this two-day family friendly Faire has something for everyone – a showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness and a celebration of the Maker mindset.
I recently attended MakerFaire KC and thought I would share some pictures from the event.

There were a number of 3D printer exhibitors, and they were pretty mind-blowing. To be honest, I had a little trouble wrapping my brain around the theory/process (how does one *print* something in 3D??), but it was sure interesting to watch. Knowing their audience, they printed a number of Portal cubes.

The Daleks were also there!

A number of exhibitors featured projects of recycled art.
I loved these 2 signs at the Learn to Solder table.
I noticed a very geeky name for some hand-dyed yarn – “Evil League of Evil“.
And finally, this picture doesn’t do justice to this demonstration of this Tesla coil “concert” by ArcAttack.

So I found you a YouTube video of the same guys from a different MakerFaire, playing – what else – the Dr. Who theme song! Enjoy!
And you? Have you been to a local MakerFaire? What did you see and what was cool?
I love 3D printing!
Very cool post! It’s good to see Maker Faires popping up around the US. I’ve gone to the one in San Mateo a few times, and I think my favorite thing to see was the robot wars.