Superheroes are for girls, too!

Can I get a “Heck, yeah!”? I found this awesome inspiring Tumblr site that I just had to share: Superheroes are for girls, too.
Its sole purpose is to highlight “pictures of girls dressed as superheroes, playing with superheroes toys, or reading superhero comics”.
I love the idea of encouraging young girls with positive role models of strong female superheroes, and the idea of providing an online forum for giving these girls an “Atta Girl!” for strutting their stuff. I also love how happy the girls are in the pictures, as well as how “tough” they are.
Let’s hear it for girl power! Who are your favorite strong female role models in superhero-land?
Links of Interest:
- Superheroes are for girls, too
- DC Women Kicking A$$ (their sister site)