Metroid Cross-Stitch iPhone Case
Hi, everyone! Today I’m in the mood to show off, a little. My husband’s a major Metroid fan, having played pretty much every Metroid game out there and even found a Metroid-themed drink, in the past. So when he
joined the dark side got an iPhone, and I offered to cross-stitch him a case, I should probably have expected that he’d want an 8-bit Samus.
I basically copied the Samus Aran cross stitch from Azay’s Video Game CraftHaven. I admit: it’s a lot harder copying a finished piece than working from a pattern, for some reason. Which is to say, yes, anyone looking super closely will notice that I got a pixel flipped, but, uh, just don’t tell my husband, eh? ;)
Here are a couple of other Metroid-themed crafts from the past:
- A sweet-looking Metroid scarf
- 10 Awesome Geeky Perler Bead Crafts (last one)