September 30

A little fashion mayhem – Loki skirt

Loki skirt

In honor of the recent release of the Avengers on Blu-Ray/DVD, I link you now to a very fun Loki skirt by Nerd Alert Creations. What fun it would have been to wear this to the premiere!

I always wonder where they find fabulous material like this for these kind of creations – I definitely never see it at my local fabric stores!

Be sure to check out her other geeky creations – like a Tardis skirt, a Star Trek blueprint-y skirt, an Avengers skirt, and a Sherlock skirt.

September 16

Geeky shoe-shindig

Clone Wars shoes

Now this is my kind of party! After seeing a plethora of cool decoupaged shoes online, Amy Ratcliffe decided to host a “Nerd Shoe Craftacular” so she and her friends could try their hand at some of the projects. And pardon me for saying so, but I’d say the results are a SHOE-IN for geektastic delight.

A variety of geekdoms were represented, including Star Wars, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, and comic book heroes, but I think my favorite project is this pair of Clone Wars pumps. Sublime.

Geeky Shoes in progress

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Girly, Movies, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Geeky shoe-shindig
September 9

Mom’s the Hero in this family!

Superhero playroom

How’d you like to hang out in a playroom like this every day? Wouldn’t you just feel so empowered to take on whatever challenges the day brings?

Superhero SAHM Lori transformed an extra bedroom into an extra-awesome superhero-themed playroom for her boys, taking lots of ideas from the Internet – which she kindly linked in her blog post.

How do I love this room? Let me count the ways…

  • I love the “Time to Save the World” canvas that hangs beneath the clock.
  • I love how she reused decor from a Superhero Birthday Party to decorate the room – particularly that comic book page pennant banner.
  • I love the chalkboard painted frame that says, “Be your own hero!”
  • I love the Sharpie-drawn city skyline lampshade.
  • I love the superhero capes hanging at the ready on the wall.

(Be sure to click through the link to see pictures of all of the above.)

What do you love about it?

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Toys | Comments Off on Mom’s the Hero in this family!
August 22

Mini Papercraft, Maxi Cool

Have you ever wanted to make an adorable mini papercraft version of…anything cool? Ever? Well, Gus Santome probably has you covered. She-Ra? Check! Batman? Yep! R2-D2? Indubitably!

Seriously, these are crazy cute. I haven’t tried to make any yet (partially because I already have too many knickknacks and gewgaws), but I could use a bit more flair on my desk at work…. Project!

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Girly, Sci-Fi, Toys | Comments Off on Mini Papercraft, Maxi Cool
August 1

Comically Cool Shoes

Now I know what I should have done with that container of Mod Podge that I had kicking around my craft box for…well, years. I should have made awesome shoes like these rad Batgirl babies, courtesy of Giant Dorkgasm proprietress The Dorktress. I could have She-Ra shoes! Of course, I’d have to dig up all the old mini-comics that came with the dolls, and they’re probably kicking around my grandparents’ attic. Hm. Maybe this isn’t practical. Though that hasn’t stopped me before….

Thanks to fellow Dorkgasm blogger Zack H. for sending me the link!

July 22

Superman Saves the Wedding (cake)

Superman saves Lois from a falling wedding cake

Leave it to Pinterest to offer up a link to some luscious geekery – a unique take on a Superman wedding cake.

Not content to just offer a groom’s cake with a giant “S” emblazoned upon it, this geeky couple asked their baker to create a cake that looked like it was falling apart, with Superman swooping in to save Lois from the falling tier. Apparently the broken cake tier looked so real the DJ at the wedding had to keep announcing the cake was *supposed* to look like that. Well played, cake decorator!

Links of Interest:

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