April 26

Tutorial Tuesday: Jesse/Team Rocket Cosplay!

I need this woman to be my wife, and I’m a heterosexual, pregnant, married woman. You boys have got no chance!

Ryoko-demon is a prolific cosplay artist. Here she is, utterly transformed into Jessie from Team Rocket. Her photos are amazing. And to top it all off she’s shared a tutorial on how she constructed that MINDBLOWING wig… She EVEN made HER OWN Meowth!! … I’m just… lost…. for words… need to find more synonyms for awesome…

Via Geekologie

April 14

Reader Submission: BAM POW Fingerless Gloves

Reader Paul Boers ran across the Etsy shop that sells these BAM POW Fingerless Gloves, among many other awesome super hero gloves, and sent it to us. Thanks, Paul! TinyBully sells these and many others, to include one pair, that feature the Bat Signal and pyramid spikes, in this super-awesome Etsy shop!

March 8

“Geek” Text Necklace

Geek text necklaceBecause your limited edition Star Wars t-shirt, Legend of Zelda backpack, and Dr. Who socks don’t announce it loudly enough. You want people to know without a doubt that you’re a GEEK, and damn proud of it.

If you’re ready to literally label yourself, check out these comic-book-esque “Geek” text necklaces made by Israeli artist, Ran.

Offered through his Etsy store, Milkool, Ran also has plenty of other font-tastic (sorry, I couldn’t help it), laser-cut necklaces for those who prefer other labels, such as “Nerd,” or “Dork.”

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