May 23

The Geek Crafting Gods Have Smiled On Us

Remember my post about the lamp featuring Obi-Wan Kenobi fighting a Great White Shark? Someone has made another great action figure lamp!

avengers lamp

downtwobane posted an album of the process on Imgur. His sister bought a cheap Avengers playset ($10) at the Disney Store for his birthday. He had seen other examples of action figure lamps online and decided to make one with these figures. The lamp was $2 from a thrift store, and he Super Glued the figures to the lamp base.

And as a thank you to his sister, keep scrolling through that album to see the Frozen lamp he made for her.

Category: Comics, Craft, Gadgets, Geek, Girly, Movies | Comments Off on The Geek Crafting Gods Have Smiled On Us
May 7 Deadpool Shirt Giveaway!

Congrats to Ella! Keep your eye on your inbox! Didn’t win? Go to and order your own, they ship worldwide!




Hello friends!

Today I come bearing an awesome giveaway from! They have generously offered up one of their amazing shirts! Not just any shirt, oh no, I managed to pick the best shirt for you. Don’t believe me? Feel you could have picked better? False, it’s Deadpool riding an alpaca.

deadpool-retro-comic-on-an-alpaca-t-shirt(photo courtesy of

Even the description for this shirt is amazing: “Superman can fly. Batman has a Batmobile. And Deadpool? That guy doesn’t have such fancy modes of transportation so he has to improvise. With this Deadpool t-shirt you can show everyone that this guy isn’t too good to ride around on an alpaca if that’s what he needs to do.”

How do you get in on this? Easy! Follow on Facebook or Twitter, and then come on back and comment with your e-mail address for your entry. If you don’t leave an e-mail, I can’t send you your stuff, so be sure to include it! You have until noon ET on Thursday, May 14. Also, a huge thank you to for allowing this to be a world-wide giveaway! So go get liking!

April 19

DIY Comic Book Collage Silhouettes

Comic book silhouette collage by The Nifty Nerd

With so many great TV shows and movies out, there’s a lot of attention on comic books these days. It’s always nice to go back to the source material for the full backstory. While you’ve got your comics out, you might want to use some of the extras for this cool collage project, brought to us by Jessica from The Nifty Nerd.

Jessica has kindly put together a Nerdy Craft Tutorial on how she created her striking silhouette collages to adorn her hallway, including cutouts from Spiderman, plus a really cool Rohan horse banner crafted from Fellowship of the Ring book pages – you won’t want to miss that!

She also talked about other cutout backgrounds, like the Hogwarts houses, or Game of Thrones family crests. What fandom would you like to collage? I have a TARDIS in mind, from Doctor Who comic book pages…

Links of Interest:



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April 5

Fully Knitted Captain America Cosplay


I crochet, so I can appreciate the time and effort that went into this costume: Cosplayer Fangirl Physics knitted this Captain America costume, for SacCon in March. It’s made entirely of assembled knitted pieces. She doesn’t carry the Captain’s shield, but she has a pair of knitting needles in her bag to fight freedom’s foes.

For more of her costumes, check out her Facebook page. Make it a point to scroll through her posts. She has an awesome end of last season cosplay of Beth from “The Walking Dead!”

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Girly, Movies | Comments Off on Fully Knitted Captain America Cosplay
March 29

Geek-a-Long with Lattes and Llamas

Geek-a-long afghan squares by Lattes and Llamas

The gals at Lattes and Llamas are at it again – Jac and Megan-Anne are hosting another year-long nerdtastic “geek-a-long” mystery knitting project. I spotlighted their endeavor last year, and wanted to let you know they are deep into this year’s project.

They release an all-new geek reference block every week, so you build an afghan over the course of a year. They’ve already featured Bunsen & Beaker from the Muppets, the Flash, Indiana Jones, and Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus.

I *love* that their patterns include both knitting and crochet instructions – it can be hard to find geek love for the crocheters out there, so I appreciate that!

What geek references do you hope they represent in upcoming patterns? Do you prefer knitting or crochet?

Links of Interest:



Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Movies, Sci-Fi, TV, Video Games | Comments Off on Geek-a-Long with Lattes and Llamas