March 26

Steampunk Portal Gun

steampunk portal gun

Today I would like to show you this amazing steampunk portal gun made by ~batman-n-bananas from deviantart. This is what she had to say:

“I absolutely love building things, especially with found objects or bits of scrap nobody loves anymore. The idea for a Steampunk version came from this as I much prefer rusty cogs to pristine white anyday. A lot of people have asked what this is made from… as far as I can remember the ingredients are:

  • 2 antique clock movements
  • 1 +1/2 hangers
  • Metal teapot stand
  • plastic mechano
  • plumbing parts
  • 1 plant pot
  • 1 hair gel pot + various lids
  • plastic tub (those ones you get nuts in the the supermarket)
  • plastic tubing
  • lots and lots of nuts and bolts
  • miniature storage box (for the battery compartment)
  • pocket laser disc (you can get them on ebay if anyone’s interested)
  • 3 lightbulbs
  • cardboard tube
  • metal covering from an old hairbrush
  • AV socket
  • tons of odds and ends from my parents garage
  • oh and of course the usuals – milliput, humbrol and warhammer paints, hot melt glue and about 6 gallons of superglue

that’s about as much as I can remember… enjoy!”

Category: Craft, Gadgets, Games, Geek, Sci-Fi, Toys, Video Games | Comments Off on Steampunk Portal Gun
February 28

Tutorial Tuesday: Animatronic Kitty Ears!

Via Geekologie

Have you ever found that your face just isn’t expressive enough?

Ever looked at your cat and thought “wow, you’re really onto something there!”… well get yourself out of that litterbox and hop over to Instructables for Abetusk‘s tutorial on how to make these stunning Animatronic Cat Ears!


January 28

When It Just Needs to be a Little More Sonic

When It Just Needs to be a Little More SonicWhen It Just Needs to be a Little More Sonic









Or perhaps for those hard tor each places, these miniature sonic screwdrivers are perfect. They’re easy to keep track of as   you can wear them as earrings, charms on a necklace or bracelet, or even make a few to use as stitch markers. Julie, known as oboe_wan on LiveJournal, has made the Ninth and Tenth Doctors but does suggest that the Eleventh’s can be made using a bead with the appearance of a claw for the end. She has kindly provided a tutorial for those interested in making a few of their own.

Category: Craft, Gadgets, Geek, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on When It Just Needs to be a Little More Sonic
January 4

Make your own robot. (or as least decorate your own)

Who doesn’t want their own personal robot? Well check out this cute little guy, Wendell.

I love that he comes as a blank slate, so you can decorate him any way you want. He’s also open source, so you can program him to do your bidding.


And check him out dressed as Michael Jackson doing the thriller dance.


Category: Computers, Craft, Gadgets, Geek, Toys | Comments Off on Make your own robot. (or as least decorate your own)
November 15

Tutorial Tuesday! Angry Birds Ball Game

Via Pinterest.

Homemade Beauties By Heidi brings us this fantastic tutorial for an Angry Birds can toss game.

This is great, kinda like angry birds in real life… means you and the kids can have a happy green-pig-smashing-time even when you’ve lost the charger for your Ipad.

I’d be so tempted to tell one of those parent lies, you know, “this is how we used to play angry birds when I was your age.” That kind of thing.

Category: Craft, Gadgets, Games, Geek, Mobile, Video Games | Comments Off on Tutorial Tuesday! Angry Birds Ball Game