April 23

Incredible Lego Stargate Model

Lego Stargate by Kelly McKiernan

Whilst doing some research for my own geeky Stargate craft I came across this truly amazing Lego Stargate Model. It originally hit the Internet back in 2005 on mocpages.com, so apologies if you’ve seen this before a hundred times, but I just could not not post it.

It even has moving parts and light up chevrons! If I had this model, it would perhaps even bump my enormous Space Shuttle Lego from pride of place on the bookcase.

If you’re at all into Lego, make sure you take a look at mocpages.com as there seem to be endless* awesome Lego projects featured there. Who said these things were for kids?!

*358,359 Lego projects at time of writing

April 23

Choose Wisely – A Harry Potter Game

choose wisely - a harry potter game

Don’t you ever wish Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans were a staple? While I’m probably not very fond of jelly beans tasting like bogey, it would certainly make munching on them very interesting.

Craftster-user patty_o_furniture agrees, so she created Choose Wisely. This intriguing game is inspired by Harry Potter and looks as if it’s made by the Weasley’s. They could certainly come up with a game in which you may or may not find the taste of earwax in your mouth! The variety of accessories and the box which the game resides looks absolutely stunning and captures the atmosphere of the magical world quite well. For more photographs and information, I direct you to patty_o_furniture’s post.

April 21

Superman Whoopie Pies

Superman Whoopie Pies
I admit that while I can cook and my family rarely starves, I’m not a big one on time-consuming recipes. If it has more than 5 ingredients or steps, I usually skip it. But if I were looking for a little culinary challenge, these Superman Whoopie Pies might be just the incentive I need! I can’t believe how great they turned out!

The tutorial links you to a traditional Whoopie Pie recipe, then walks you through how to pipe in the iconic “S”, and even a custom birthday message.

How about you? Do you love to cook/bake? Have you ever attempted any copycat kind of recipe that mimics a brand or restaurant’s version?

April 21

Getting Girly With Geek Crafts

2013-04-21 12.30.59

BenaeQuee, a Craftster member and Etsy store owner, recently posted a cocktail dress she made. It’s a cocktail dress designed not only to match Captain America’s suit, but also some killer art on Deviant Art. BenaeQueen was inspired by Kelsey Michele’s art.


“My main goal for this dress was to be able to wear it as a dress, and not let it become something that looked like a costume only. I wanted it to look like fashion. I used a royal blue Duchess Satin and a Royal Blue poly chiffon. The chiffon was a bit more purple in hue than the satin, but once laid over the satin, it looked more blue. It’s actually nice to see a color shift of lighter blue under the darker chiffon as the dress moves.”

But you can’t be dressed to the nines and not have your makeup match!

“This eye makeup by DeviantArtist KikiMJ features incredible superhero designs. The colors are perfect matches for the costumes worn by the likes of Thor and Wonder Woman and the designs themselves are amazing.” KikiMJ has a great series of eye makeup designs on her Deviant Art site. She actually didn’t have one that would g0 along  for Captain America, but I think her Wonder Woman design would match just as well.

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Girly, Movies | Comments Off on Getting Girly With Geek Crafts
April 21

Introducing Beth Lynn!

bethlynnHello all!  I figured that since I’m brand new here, I may as well introduce myself!  (And introduce one of my most favorite projects, as well.)  I’ll be posting every Sunday afternoon, sharing my favorite geeky crafts from around the Internet!

As you may already have noticed, my name’s Beth Lynn.  I live with my husband Bryan, as well as four betta fish and a ridiculous collection of My Little Ponies, in beautiful Bloomington, Indiana.  I’m working on a second masters degree, in Information Science, and when I’m not nose deep in homework, I’m doing some sort of awesome geeky craft project!  I’ve been geeky as long as I can remember – I was an early reader (my mom claims I started reading before I was 2!), I’ve been playing video games since the tender age of five, and my mom was a Trekkie, so I’ve always been surrounded by wonderful nerdy things.  I’ve also been crafting since I was tiny, making tiny puppets when I was 8 and making doll clothes when I was 12.  As I got older, I started making bigger projects, like blankets, stuffed animals, and costumes!

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