March 23

Sheldon Cooper Amigurumi Pattern

sheldon cooper amigurumi


It’s your favourite physics geek, Sheldon Cooper, made into this adorable crochet doll by Jackie on A[mi]dorable Crochet! And there’s a free pattern for him! Squee!

AND… he’s even approved by none other than Jim Parsons, the actor who plays Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory!

There is also a Howard Wallowitz doll made by the same person! There’s no pattern, though, but I’m pretty sure the doll is the same as the Sheldon doll with different clothes/accessories! Hopefully she’ll soon make the whole BBT gang!

jim parsons with sheldon doll


March 22

Embriodered Portrait of Captain Kirk

Happy birthday Captain Kirk! That’s right folks, The Shat turned 82 today. I’d be remiss if I didn’t celebrate it in my own little way, namely by geeking out over awesome Kirk inspired crafts. This particular one by tinyairplanes caught my eye, not only because it’s beautifully embroidered, but because it pays homage to the actor behind the character.

Embroidered Portrait of Captain Kirk


March 22

Knit Your Own Captain America Sweater

A pattern for a Captain America  Knit  hoodie was recently released byethylated-spirits. Look at your hoodie, now back to this one, your hoodie, this one. Don’t you wish this was your hoodie?

Using Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Seamless yolk sweater as a template;  she created this sweater to keep you warm, as you Avenge the world. So what are you waiting for? Snatch up this free pattern and get working.


Are you knitting yet?


March 22

Friday Round-Up: Give ’em STEAM

Some of you may have heard of the acronym STEM: Science Technology, Engineering and Math. A respectable, geeky term in it’s own right, but probably a little stuffy for us over here at GeekCraft.

Recently, however, there has been a lot of talk about STEAM, which takes the stuffiness of STEM and adds an “A” for arts, injecting all sorts of coolness and excitement. In all seriousness, advocates of STEAM argue that arts provide school-aged children with a lot of skills valued in the world like design, problem solving, creativity, stick-to-it-ivness, etc., It is in that spirit of STEAM that I wanted to take this Friday round-up to focus on activities that you can do with young people in your life that promote this important intersection of art, science, engineering, and craft:

First up, just in time for those of you celebrating Easter, we’ve got egg geodes from Tinkerlabs. It’s some good chemistry (my favorite) and can lead to a nice conversation about geology. AND..and…it is colorful and fun.

egg geodes





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March 21

Fantastic Flickr Finds!

Have you been to the Geek Crafts Flickr group? It’s a friendly place, one where amazing crafters can share photos of their geektastic creations with other amazing crafters. There’s also a dandy discussion feature where you can interact with all of your new friends! How about some introductions to get the ball rolling? Go on, don’t be shy. You’re among friends!

And here’s a slideshow of everyone’s photos!

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