March 5

Skels and her Geeky Bead Weaving

I love Red DwarfHey there, geek-crafters. My name is Skels and I’m thrilled to introduce myself as another new writer.

I’m British, but currently living in Sydney, Australia. What makes me geeky? It could be my love of SciFi TV and movies, or my crafty habits as a self-proclaimed “tinkerer”. Or perhaps it’s the months and months of my life that I have invested in various MMOs over the years (sup, EU Argent Dawn WoW?!), or it could be that I’m currently studying for a degree in Natural Sciences in my spare time, you know, just for fun.

My all time favourite TV show is Red Dwarf, favourite game is Simon the Sorcerer, favourite movie is Twister and favourite colour is yellow. I like beading, drawing, photography, piano playing, baking, and jewelry making. I’m also a keen amateur astronomer; my most beloved posession is my 6″ Meade telescope.

I’ve been a fan of Geek Crafts for a while now, ever since discovering how to make pixel art keyrings and things out of teeny tiny seed beads. The great thing about pixel art is that it is so easy to reproduce with loads of different crafts – quilts, cross-stitch, bead weaving, pearler beads, even Lego. And who doesn’t love a little 8-bit nostalgia?!

8-bit Bead Weaving by Skels

If you want to find out more about bead weaving there are some really clear tutorials over at I used the square stitch for my designs, working with 3 mm seed beads and black waxed beading thread. And if you want some geeky designs to follow or inspire you feel free to check out my selection of keyrings and earrings: Click here to see the 8-bit beading set on Flickr.

Until next Tues, stay nerdy! And if you like, follow @Skels on Twitter. Cheers!

March 5

A Magnetic Attraction

tetris heart

Do you know the feeling of standing in front of the fridge and just not knowing what to make for dinner? I certainly do! This colorful set of heart-shaped cross-stitched Tetris magnets will surely give you something to puzzle with in these moments of despair. Kirsty Willis sells them on her UK-based Etsy store, together with other cross-stitching work, embroidery and patchwork.

Category: Craft, Geek, Video Games | Comments Off on A Magnetic Attraction
March 5

New Geek Crafts Writer: Emma

Emma's Introduction

Hi there! You may have already seen my first post. I’m one of the new writers and you’ll hearing from me on Thursday morning. Time to formally introduce myself!

My name is Emma. I’m living with my gamer boyfriend and pet hamster Sasha near Amsterdam, The Netherlands and I’m majoring in bioinformatics. One day, I hope to cure the downfalls of old age, win a Nobel prize, become a loving mother and write a bestseller. (In no particular order.)

I’ve been a geek for as long as I remember, but only started crafting a few years ago. I hope working with all of you will give us the necessary inspiration and kick in the ass to make something beautiful! I love cooking and baking, perler beading, papercrafting, reading long, tedious science fiction and fantasy books, writing short, wacky science fiction and fantasy books, watching anime on my best friend The Beamer, going swimming and fiddling with clothing.

What will all those posts be about? Currently, I can’t get enough of Star Trek, but I also love Harry Potter, literature in general, Pokémon, retro gaming, anything made by or inspired by Japan, stuff you can eat, cartoons and everything science.

Mischief managed!

Category: Craft, Geek | Comments Off on New Geek Crafts Writer: Emma
March 4

Monday Afternoon Quickie: Come On, Grab Your Friends!

Salutations, geekcrafters! Time for your weekly Monday Afternoon Quickie with Caitie. Sound like a blast? Great!

totally math!
totally math!

So, this week we are getting down with some Adventure Time! So go on, grab your friends & a sewing machine and check out ohnorachio‘s adorable stuffed animal/pillow DIY. These are so super cute, and super simple!
All you need is a printer, mild tracing skills, fabric paint, a sewing machine (or your hands. you can do it! get old school!), and something to stuff them with. Algebraic!


If you need more Adventure Time cuteness, check the links below. And if you aren’t already, follow me on instagram @notcaitiedavis! I’ll be posting pictures of my Adventure Time needlefelting all this week. Have a great Monday, everyone!

Check out these other cool Adventure Time links!;



March 4

Crobots by Nelly Pailloux Review

Hello Geek Crafters! Today I’m going to be telling you about the adorable Crobots by Nelly Pailloux.


What is a Crobot you may be wondering. It’s a crocheted robot, naturally, which is an adorable idea. Of all of the cute robots, I chose Zombiebot. Because of course I did.



He only took about an evening to make and a total of maybe 20 cents. One ball of yarn would probably make you 3 zombiebots, so you could start a small army.


I thought the pen spring for the popped out eye effect was wonderful. I added barley to the bottom of his body so that he would sit up on his own.

The instructions were simple, well-written and easy to follow. To be honest, that is a huge relief. Too many times I’ve tried to follow a pattern only to find it overly-complicated. Not with this though. I never had to second guess myself.

So if you’re looking to add some cuddly robots to your life, which, why wouldn’t you, pick up Crobots by Nelly Pailloux. It’s a unique and fun book that will definitely keep you busy.