March 2

Mr Drippy/Shizuku Amigurumi


Check out this awesome Mr Drippy/Shizuku amigurumi plushie from Ni no Kuni made by Jastra Alethea on Kitten’s Crafts.

I must admit, I thought Mr Drippy (Lord High Lord of the Fairies), or Shizuku if you’re playing the Japanese version of the game, was an ugly little thing when I first saw him, but he’s grown on me since playing the game, and now I think he’s a very tidy little fairy, welsh accent and all! And this crochet amigurumi of him is awesome! The pattern is free so you can even make one of your own (which I intend to start any day now!) I would definitely put a little bell in the lantern, as well, so it would jangle around just like in the game!


March 2

Sheldon Cooper Quilt

sheldoncooperquiltFor those of you experiencing another blast of winter weather, this Sheldon Cooper quilt by semel at Craftster might be just the thing you need to keep warm. Semel, of Candy Coated Quilts in Nova Scotia, said it is made of  7,500 individual squares and took 6 months to make. “I started cutting pieces for this quilt in July and finished the whole thing in January.”

And in case your very own Sheldon blanket just isn’t enough, semel posted some advice on how you could make your own Leonard, Raj or Howard quilts.

“First, I made the pattern using the above photo and This is a cross stitch pattern maker but it works pretty well for a quilt pattern as well. You will have to play with the settings a little bit to get the image you want. Once I had my pattern, I purchased my Kona colors that roughly match the suggested thread colors.

sheldoncooperquilt2“So then, I basically followed Sew Mama Sew’s instructions for how to ‘quick-piece tiny squares.’ Here’s the link to that. …I drew the grid directly on the interfacing which came in 8.5×11 sheets. Next time, I would definitely buy a pre-gridded interfacing that came in metres as this became quite expensive. This is supposed to be wash-away interfacing but I haven’t tested that theory yet.” (Don’t you like how semel worked the word theory into a post about a Sheldon Cooper blanket?)

For those of you new to Dr. Sheldon Cooper, he’s been portrayed by actor Jim Parsons since 2007 on CBS’s “The Big Bang Theory.” A couple of Sheldon Cooper fun facts for you: The asteroid 246247 Sheldoncooper was named after Sheldon. In 2012, a newly discovered species of bee was named Euglossa bazinga, after the character’s noted catch phrase, “Bazinga!”


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March 1

Friday Round-up: Rubik’s Cube Madness!

I am a collector of hobbies and lately I have gotten back into the Rubik’s Cube.  The Rubik’s Cube was invented in 1974 by a Hungarian sculptor and professor named Erno Rubik.  He was awesome.  He didn’t even realize he had made a puzzle until the first time he scrambled it and tried to get it back together.  It took him like 6 months, now the world record is 5.66 seconds.  My best time is somewhere just shy of 2 minutes, but I am getting better.  Enough about me, you are here for crafts so here we go!

Rubik's Cube Tissue Box

This Rubik’s Cube tissue box by HandyHomeGrown on Etsy is made out of wood, making it far superior to a lot of the other Rubik’s Cube tissue boxes you can find out there because it probably smells pretty rustic.

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March 1

Introducing Marsha

Hey all, I will be your regular Friday morning blogger so I thought I would throw a bit of introduction at you first. I am a long time crafter, currently focused on knitting, spinning, and bead working to name a few things that I get my own crafty hands busy with.  So I’m sure geeky knits will be prominent.


I tend to roam the internet as One Geek to Craft Them All, so that should point out at least one geeky place that is precious to me. I’m a fan of comics, fantasy, mythology, magic, cosplay, and plenty of others. To be more specific things that own a place in my heart, include but are not limited to, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Harry Dresden, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, Supernatural, Harry Potter; you know the basics. The list goes ever on.

In my day to day life I put my Master’s in Industrial/Organizational Psychology to use as Research Associate at a management consultant firm.  I can feel your eyes glazing over from here so I’m gonna stop there. It’s for the best really. My closest friends only vaguely understand what I do. I like statistics, I play with them for a living, is close enough, really.

I’ll see everyone bright an early on  Friday and until then I leave you with a handmade Tardis dress I have been trying to talk myself out of buying by Lex from  Smarmy Clothes.












She also has a great blog with sewing tutorials here.


Marsha can usually be found, roaming twitter as @1geek2craftall or blogging at One Geek To Craft Them All. She thinks cheaters never prosper, unless it’s the Kobayashi Maru. Then cheat like there’s no other way to win.

March 1

Geeky Jewelry Giveaway

Last May we featured these beautiful rainbow DNA earrings by Tout Douchement:



Now she has offered you guys a giveaway! All you have to do to enter is to ‘like’ her shop via the Facebook button on Etsy  and tell us here in the comments what your favourite item in her shop is and you can win it! I will pick a winner at random next Friday March 8.

Edit And has decided that comment number 15 is the winner!! Malinda! 


Do you want to host a giveaway on Geek Crafts? Drop me a line with your information at

February 28

3D Transforming Optimus Prime Cross-Stitch

optimusprimeThis three dimensional Optimus Prime is impressive to say the least. Plastic canvas has never looked so extreme. Based on the original toy series, superstar Lord Libidan, I would say this is his pièce de résistance. What? Not uber enough for you? IT TRANSFORMS!

That’s right. Not only did he make a poseable transformer, Optimus Prime transforms into a truck!!! No seriously, look at this!optimusprime2

Just when you thought this couldn’t be any cooler! He also has plans for other Transformers including Starscream. Head on over to his Etsy shop and be prepared to have your head explode!

Lord Libidan on Etsy

More Transformers on Geek Crafts