December 3

Picard garland

So, are you like everyone else in the United States,  jamming up the halls of your local Micheal’s in search of holiday craft items this weekend? Are you stretched to the max between cookie baking, merry making, gift shopping and card swapping?

Via Twitter comes this lovely, simple idea from @janineveazue about how to get your geek craft on when you just can’t fit one.more.dang.thing into your schedule.

As tweeteth  @janineveazue “You were once a pile of smirking Picards, but now you are a festive holiday garland! ”

Take that, Captain Kirk fans.

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November 26

Retro Wonder Woman sweater

wonder woman sweater

If you are a dedicated, talented knitter, this gorgeous retro-ish looking Wonder Woman sweater could be yours. The Craftster page explains how it was charted it out, but that’s about it.

I’m afraid it’s not a stitch by stitch instruction kit, and it’s never going to be – I’m don’t have the skills for that. You’re welcome to share my work, but it really is a recipe, not much of a pattern.

Be sure to check out some of the pictures she’s shared of it. There are some gorgeous details in there. I have yet to take up knitting (crochet yes, knitting, no) but I may have just been inspired.

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November 18

Geek Crafts is About to Get Better!

We’re planning a big re-launch of Geek Crafts in the new year- it’s going to be fantastic.

What do we need from you? Your awesome writing skills! We’re looking to add some new writers to the team. If you think you can do it, then we would like you to send us a sample post to You must be excellent at proof-reading and editing, comfortable with WordPress enough to post with images, have software and knowledge to re-size images and be able to post at least once a week on a predefined day of the week. Of course you must be geeky and crafty. And proof-read, proof-read, proof-read.

We look forward to seeing what you’ve got!!

Stay Awesome,


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November 14

R2-D2: Safety Droid

I know, I know, I keep posting about R2-D2, but I can’t help it. Artoo is so endearing and apparently lends himself to craft projects. Anyway, this time I stumbled across this awesome R2-D2 bike helmet, made by pastry artist, illustrator, and all-around crafty gal Jenn Hall. There is some controversy about the safety of the dimensional restraining bolt, should Jenn actually fall, but it looks amazing. And, since she made the helmet last year, hopefully she’s had time to sort out the safety issues. It is pretty phenomenal, though.