August 22

Mini Papercraft, Maxi Cool

Have you ever wanted to make an adorable mini papercraft version of…anything cool? Ever? Well, Gus Santome probably has you covered. She-Ra? Check! Batman? Yep! R2-D2? Indubitably!

Seriously, these are crazy cute. I haven’t tried to make any yet (partially because I already have too many knickknacks and gewgaws), but I could use a bit more flair on my desk at work…. Project!

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Girly, Sci-Fi, Toys | Comments Off on Mini Papercraft, Maxi Cool
August 20

Intense Pokemon cross-stitch

Linda is a 26-year old cross-stitch wizard living in Latvia. Check out her video documenting progress on a Pokemon cross stitch. When I saw it I was all “Whu? Gah! Ohh! Ahhh!”  Then I thought about how my cross-stitching is bad and I should feel bad.

Check out Linda’s blog for other cross-stitch stuff as well as gorgeous shots of Latvian landscapes.

August 19

It’s Dangerous to Go Alone. Take This.

Here’s the thing, I have been searching for little but awesome ways to make my new house geekified. While I’m not going to be painting a Triforce symbol on my wall, something little like this key holder is an amazing idea.

I came across it one day on tumblr and have since been trying to resist the urge to buy it. Geeky and Chic on Etsy has created this is a great piece of small geekiness that will get any Zelda fan giggling.

Category: Craft, Geek, Video Games | Comments Off on It’s Dangerous to Go Alone. Take This.
August 15

Steampunk Lightsaber Awesomeness

Eventually I will stop posting about Jen Yates and her Lady Vadore costume, but I’m so intrigued! The pieces all look so cool—I can’t wait to see the final result. Anyway, in addition to the steampunk Darth Vader mask/helmet tutorial, she’s now posted a tutorial for a similarly steampunk lightsaber. Which, incidentally, doubles as a nifty nightlight. And, really, who doesn’t want a steampunk lightsaber nightlight?

Category: Craft, Geek, Movies, Sci-Fi, Toys | Comments Off on Steampunk Lightsaber Awesomeness
August 14

Tutorial Tuesday: TARDIS Bookcase!

Check out this awesome bookcase tutorial from Alantronics!

It’s actually mind blowingly simple to do, make one for you little boy/girl’s room to promote literacy (or for me, make a full sized one for the Husb0t to store all his Dr Who DVD’s in… )

You could even be really clever and add a door for the full ‘TARDIS effect…

Category: Craft, Geek, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Tutorial Tuesday: TARDIS Bookcase!
August 13

Famine Pony Cake…Ok, let me explain

Some time ago, my fantastic husband surprised me with a shirt from Shirt Woot that featured The Four Little Ponies of the apocalypse. Some girls like jewelry, some girls are into chocolate, I love me some creepy-end-times mixed in with beloved childhood toys. In case you haven’t seen the shirt, here is the image:

I try to be careful where I wear it. Once I was waiting for a table at a popular Sunday brunch spot  and a little girl was excitedly pointing to my shirt. Her grandmother was like, “Oh look! You like those don’t yyyy…” and then she must have spied the famine pony because she shielded the little girls eyes and walked away from me.


Sorry grandma and little girl! I didn’t mean to horrify ya’ll.

Anyway, I didn’t realize that there was a Robot Chicken (I know, I don’t have cable…) tie-in with The Four Ponies of the Apocalypse until I stumbled upon this wonderfully geeky blog called Geek Sweets (lives up to its promise, check it out, so cute) and I found a Famine Pony cake! So yay, you guys!  I mean, boo to actual famine, but… Yay Jenny at Geek Sweets and yay internet for bringing the weird stuff together.

If anyone knows more about the origin of these ponies, feel free to leave it in the comments. Like I said, I knew very little outside of finding the t-shirt to be hilarious and a sweet gift.