August 13

Harry Potter Advent Calendar

What I’d like to show you guys today is this amazing Harry Potter advent calendar made by Missing Willow.

Each drawer contains an item, note about the item and a small treat/sweet. It also has a small cupboard to put the trinkets in as each day passes which is a great idea to collect them all up watching the days tick closer to Christmas!

August 10

Dr. Who TARDIS in a Wormhole Afghan Tutorial

So, if you are a die-hard crocheter, you start thinking about Christmas presents in the summer.  You just have to.  I have a Dr. Who loving pal in my life, and I came across this great afghan by  Craftster user Brackish Potato.  It is inspired by the opening scene from Dr. Who where the TARDIS is floating through the time warp/wormhole thingie.


What a great idea right?  The afghan looks like it would work up pretty quickly since it’s just a repeating pattern.


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August 8

A Preview of Lady Vadore

Once again, Epbot‘s Jen Yates is up to her customary crafty tricks. In anticipation of Star Wars Celebration, Jen (with an assist from husband John, as usual) has been steadily laboring on a steampunk female Darth Vader costume christened Lady Vadore. The first step involved hacking a Vader mask in spectacular ways. Note I didn’t post a pic of the final step—you’ll just have to read the tutorial and scroll down for the stunning reveal. Jen has since posted another sneak peek of the costume, which I can’t wait to see in its entirety. So thorough! Such attention to detail! Such crafty steampunk Star Wars goodness! Such excitement!

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August 6

Harry Potter Quilt

So I post this with trepidation this week because it seems like one of those things that should have been posted on this blog a long time ago. I searched and haven’t seen it for a while, so boom:  here you go. I present to you this quilt. Festooned with all things Potter. Geekscore: 87; Craftscore: Infinity +1

The quilt was featured on the Flickr page of Jennifer Ofenstein, who can be found tumbling on and has several other geeky quilted items available on her Etsy store.

August 5

Appa, the Last Pillow Pet

Appa pillow pet

As an aunt who spent a good deal of time last Christmas tracking down just the right Pillow Pets for her nieces, I can tell you for sure I never saw one as cool as this Appa pillow project I just found on Cut Out + Keep. I love that a complete tutorial is included – cuts down on the guesswork when one simply must have a project like this one.

In case you aren’t familiar, Appa is Aang’s loyal sky bison on the animated series Avatar.  If you aren’t familiar with the series Avatar, get thee to Netflix pronto!

Links of Interest:

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