July 10

Tutorial Tuesday: Piranha Plant Party Bowls!

There are all sorts of rumours about backstage parties at rock concerts, where debauched millionaires would be served illegal substances off of naked ladies’ stomachs … but when I’m a millionaire I want candy… served from a Piranha Plant!

Luckily Cute as a Fox has a fantastic tutorial to enable my minions to make them for me! … THAT was lucky…

Seriously though, imagine having these at a wedding reception? how hard would that rock!?


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July 9

Planet Plushies

plush planets

As we reach the dog days of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, I hope you are getting a chance to get outside and enjoy the summer nights.  If you are a star-gazer like myself, you might enjoy these plushy little planets.  They have a few advantages over real planets such as: great visibility from your sleeping bag and a lack of toxic gases and or deadly temperatures. In fact, they seem downright friendly! Even our buddy Pluto made it in!

July 8


As someone who recently bought a new house, I’ve been looking for some adorable and geeky ways to spruce up the place. Then today, I came across this adorable tutorial for a TARDIS key.

Haley from The Zen of Making posted this great step by step tutorial to create your very own TARDIS key. It’s a cheap and simple way to show your nerdy side and help keep your keys from getting mixed up.

After all, home is where the TARDIS is.

July 5

A Nerd Bouquet

sherlock doctor who bouquet

What’s geekier than a Sherlock Holmes wedding? How about a Doctor Who wedding? Or… wait for it… a Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who wedding? Sadly, I can’t access what I hope are many more pictures because flickr is being janky, but the first image is quite promising! It’s a bridal bouquet made from pages of Sherlock Holmes and with a sonic screwdriver stem. And, if the bouquet doesn’t satisfy your Whovian/Holmesian cravings, just rewatch (yes, I said rewatch; I know you’ve all seen it at least once!) the Doctor and Sherlock face off via the song “Anything You Can Do.”

July 3

Tutorial Tuesday: Geordi La Forge Visor

geordie visor

Thingiverse contributor Drew Smith not only designed and made a near perfect replica of the visor worn my Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Geordi La Forge, but he then took it to be signed by the Twitter god himself. Nerd points +10!

Even better, he’s uploaded instructions on how you can make your own visor!

Category: Craft, Gadgets, Geek, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Tutorial Tuesday: Geordi La Forge Visor