May 28

Little cuties of Marvel and DC

LolleBijoux is an artist who makes ADORABLE key-chain figures.  I’d like to bring to your attention these little- girl versions of some of the women of DC and Marvel.  Too cute! Way to put a fun spin on how we see these characters.  I’m pretty smitten with Harley Quinn myself.  The sassy pose and the partially open smile?

This is why we squee, people. This is why we squee.

May 27

Geeky Cross-Stitch – Sunday Treasury

This week’s treasury is brought to you by even more geeky cross-stitch goodness.

As always, be sure to click the photo to be taken to the actual treasury.

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May 26

Faerie Fashion

After being heavily involved with historical reenactment for 19 years, I can appreciate great costuming, both in the time spent in its creation and the money invested. Costuming done right is a labor of love. One of my favorite “fun” types of costuming has to be faeries. There are no set rules, just let your mind run free!

sairosaurus on Craftster has shared her faerie creations. What is even better is that as you read through this thread, not only do you get to see some fantastic photos but she goes into her creative process for several bits and pieces of her costumes. She discusses how she made her goblin shoes, a goblin latex mask as well as her faerie wings. Her work is amazing!

May 26

Dr. Who Dalek in Love Coffee Mug

Dr. Who Dalek in Love Coffee MugPERCOLATE!

Who wouldn’t love drinking coffee out of this amazing mug.  Daleks are not knowing for feeling emotion, so when two fall in love it is truly a special thing to behold.  Now you can commemorate this once in a life time occasion every morning while you drink your coffee.

The mug was made by Betwixxt on Etsy, and she has some other awesome gems in her shop like this K-9 mug or this Penguin mug with a twist!

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May 26

Rushmore Lapel Pins

Rushmore Lapel Pins

I don’t know about you, but I’m super excited for Wes Anderson’s new film Moonrise Kingdom.  It all started with Rushmore, and it never really stopped.   Wes Anderson’s keen eye for nostalgia, anachronistic clothing choices, and his keen use of 60’s and 70’s folk songs in just the right places have firmly ensconced him in my heart.  I came across these on the old Etsy, lapel pins for perfect attendance and punctuality.  Too perfect.  The seller appropriately named SteveZissou also has some pretty awesome cuff links.