April 29

Avengers Assemble!

In less than a week, I’ll be one of those crazy people waiting in line for the midnight release of the much anticipated movie “The Avengers”. To get myself in the mood to enjoy this awesome movie, I decide to search through Etsy for some awesome Avengers inspired crafts.

Here are five awesome creations:

Avengers Logo Glasses
Who wouldn’t want to host a marathoning party of the pre-Avengers movies, when you had these glasses to hold your guests beverages in? They’re pretty awesome!

Avengers Buttons/Magnets
As someone who obsessed with buttons, these buttons are adorable and geeky in the best possible way.

Superhero Wristies
Nerdifacts makes adorably geeky wristies inspired by superheroes, including The Avengers. Midnight showings can be cold, these should keep you warm.

Avengers Inspired Mini Bows
These bows are adorable and still vague enough that you could wear them with other outfits.

Vintage Virtue
When I first started searching for Avengers stuff, her stuff was popping up all over the place. Once I got to her shop, I was overcome with all sorts of nerd feelings. She has bows, earrings, tie clips, necklaces, and bracelets. All the having the perfect amount of nerdiness.

April 28

Everyone needs a little Ewok now and then…

ewok stuffy

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched the Star Wars movies. Quoting lines from those movies comes as easy as lines from Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Of all of the characters, I have to say my all time favorites are the Ewoks. They’re little, furry, adorable and resourceful.
Look at this adorable little Ewok that I found on Etsy!

April 28

Area and state regulations do not allow the Companion Cube to remain here, alone and companionless.

Area and state regulations do not allow the Companion Cube to remain here, alone and companionless. And the cube is not companionless once you crochet this mini weighted cube and Chell!  Chell even has her own Portal Device too.  Designed by Nerdigurumi, the pattern is free.  It uses various colors of worsted weight yarns and some wire for Chell to allow her to be posable.  Nerdigurumi warns that this pattern is a bit more than beginner as it requires some ‘cobbling and fiddling’ to assemble.

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April 27

Friday Round-Up: Fish with Feet

So, this week’s Friday Round-Up celebrates one of my heroes, Darwin. The well-known two legged take on the ichthys symbol  is used by fans of evolution (can a scientific theory have fans? Does it matter if it does or not? It’s popularity’s kinda irrelevant; it’s still true…). Darwin Fish (Or Tonys, as all good Feeters know) are rough depictions of Ichyostega, the remains of which are important transitional fossils between tetrapods and fish, since they have a tail and gulls akin to fish but amphibian style skull and limbs.

So, I present to you my ten favourite crafts in honour of both Darwin and Tony…

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April 27

Captain Kirk Cross Stitch – Flickr Friday

Captain Kirk Cross Stitch I know, I know, it’s supposed to be Flickr Thursday, but Flickr Friday just sounds so much smoother doesn’t it? Anyway, this week’s Flickr pick is this totally awesome James T Kirk cross by Flickr-er leemaccrochet.

She says it took a little over a month and is over 17,000 stitches! Amazing!

April 24

Tutorial Tuesday: DIY Lego Table!

Oh wow! check this out!

A great tutorial from Meet The Dubians on how to make your own Lego playtable out of a cheapo Ikea side table!

Did you know that If you built a column of about 40,000,000,000 Lego bricks, it would reach the moon…?

And astonishingly on average there are 62 Lego bricks for every person on earth (?!)

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