April 23

Narwhal-made to order

Here are some things you should know about narwhals: 1) Their “tusk” is actually an elongated canine 2) A highly specific diet limits their geographical range makes them vulnerable to climate change 3) They are highly skilled deep-water hunters.

The unicorns of the sea, could there be a classier mammal? Perhaps with a monocle? A top hat maybe? A jazzy silver bow? Check out these super cute narwhal plushies from Ostrich Farm.  I love sparkly tusks. They are made to order in a number of colors, with a variety of stylish accessories.  Also, strictly for the hardcore, there is a narwhal of the month club.

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April 22

Take Your TARDIS to School Day

Can one be a “non-practicing Whovian”? I think that’s what I am. I have seen a handful of episodes, and appreciate various Dr. Who references when I see them out and about, but must admit I don’t always get what I see in the shows. Maybe because I haven’t watched a whole season all the way through?

Practicing or not, I can still give mad props to young Oraicia, who painted her locker, and two of her friend’s, as a TARDIS (which, by the way, stands for “Time and Relative Dimension in Space“).

TARDIS lockerTARDIS locker closeup

Here is how she described her project, which apparently was an art project for school (get to paint your locker for a grade?? Cool!!)

 The process of painting the locker was a bit lengthy. I first had to prime the locker, which left it in a nasty-looking shade of grey. It stayed this colour for much longer than I would have liked, due to the no-blue-paint issue. After I got the locker primed, I went on to sketch out the design. This involved a lot of measuring, in order to get proportions as close as possible, and to get the design to be symmetrical. When the design was sketched out, painting could commence. I taped the borders, so that the paint would only go where I wanted it. Each part of the locker required multiple layers of paint. Anywhere that was white took two layers. Blue areas took three; a light layer, a medium-toned layer, and a dark layer on top. Because I painted the layers on with a sponge, you could see some of the lighter layers through the darker surface layers. This was done in order to recreate the ‘wooden’ texture of the TARDIS.

I know there were several points in my high school career when I wished someone would just appear and whisk me away – maybe Oraicia created the ultimate “Get Out of High School Free” card with a few strokes of blue paint. If only I had known that’s all it took, I could have saved myself many embarrassing moments.

I also have to wonder if the lockers are bigger on the inside.

Links of Interest:

Category: Craft, Geek, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Take Your TARDIS to School Day
April 21

LongCat Travel Neck Pillow

LongCat Travel Neck PillowI travel a lot.  It’s my job.  It could easily be said that I live on airplanes.  I always see people with neck pillows and I think they look stupid.  I have often said that I will never use a neck pillow, and that my sore neck after every flight is a badge of honor.

Well that is about to change.

This Long Cat Neck Pillow by Felicia Rose on Etsy is the height of fashion.  If I saw someone with one of these on a plane, I would marry them.  Additionally, its inability to grasp simple human grammar structure is hilarious.

Check out the Pillow!

Visit Felicia Rose on Etsy!

More Cats on Geekcrafts!

April 21


In the world of Geekery, there’s embroidery, a variety of foods, poly clay, unbelievable yarn creations of every sort and the list keeps going. However, I’ve never in all of my days seen the combination of  Woodwork + Music + GEEK!

May I present the Paculele! It’s a ukelele with the body as Pac Man and the tuner is Blinky the ghost! I think I might have found the perfect Holiday gift for my ukelele playing Geek Husband!

You have got to check out celentanowoodworks’ other creations on Etsy. I think my all time favorite is the Roc Em Soc Em robot version.

Pac Man ukulele paculele by celentanowoodworks on Etsy.

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