April 21

The Cake is Not a Lie

The Cake is Not a LieIt’s a hat!  Yes, Nimcraft has created a free pattern for a knitted Portal Cake Hat that is absolutely adorkable.  This hat, a recreation of the chocolate cake in Portal 1 and 2, is also a quite delectable head warmer during cold months.  Knitted in worsted weight yarn, Nimcraft gives suggestions for making it in other weight yarns as well.  Not familiar or a fan of the game portal?  That’s okay, I don’t think there’s too many people that don’t like chocolate cake anyway!



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April 19

Zombie Plushies – Flickr Thursday

When you think of Zombies, you think of cute and cuddly things that you want to sleep curled up beside right? Or is that just me? These adorable zombie plushies are made by Flickr’er Handmade Stuffs. They’re all so cute and snuggly that  I can’t pick a favourite!

Visit Handmade Stuffs on Flickr

Join the Geek Crafts Flickr Group

More Zombie goodness on Geek Crafts

Category: Craft, Geek, Myths & Urban Legends | Comments Off on Zombie Plushies – Flickr Thursday
April 17

Tutorial Tuesday: Cardboard Millennium Falcon!

What do you give the baby that has awesome parents!? His own cardboard bucket of bolts :-)

The awesome work of The Karpiuks isn’t a traditional tutorial but they’ve got great step-by-step photos on their flickr.

Excellent work, now dress your baby as an Ewok… DO IT NOW!!.

Category: Craft, Gadgets, Geek, Movies, Sci-Fi | Comments Off on Tutorial Tuesday: Cardboard Millennium Falcon!
April 17

ABC (Angry Birds Coffee)

On a recent weekend jaunt to Dublin, my lovely friend Gill was served this cup of amazing in The Art of Coffee, a little coffee shop she stumbled on. Gill assures me it tasted as good as it looked, once she had worked up the nerve to drink the masterpiece!

Coffee shop owner Ruslan recently won the 2012 Irish Latte Art Championship, and so is going on to represent his country in the World Latte Art Championships (who even knew such things existed? Wow!) so I’m sure we all wish him luck.

Category: Craft, Games, Geek, Mobile, Video Games | Comments Off on ABC (Angry Birds Coffee)
April 16

Felted Giant Daphnia

Giant Daphnia

So hine’s work is definitely “aspirational crafting” (I just made that term up).  She is certainly a fiber-textile artist, not your mamma’s felter by any means. I’ve been following her work for-evs (not really as she is probably younger than me) but I haven’t been sure when to “pull the trigger” and post one of her items. The truth is I’m in love with all of them, though some are geekier than others.

This week, I have found the thing I cannot resist posting, this magical daphnia. I remember coming across these crustaceans when I was a kid, pouring through an old biology textbook a much older cousin (sadly uninterested in playing with me) had laying around. The grades she was in “FRESH-MAN” “SOPHO-MORE” sounded so magical to me, a lowly first grader, I was dying to know what difficult, bizarre things a “FRESH MAN” learned about in their science classes. Flipping through her book, I learned that a single drop of water contained an invisible ecosystem of strange little critters, including these see-through cousins of crabs and lobsters!

Anyway, I suspect all of you have memories of your first geek thirsts, and the daphnia is mine (no implication of drinking a daphnia by accident intended!) and hine’s plushie captures that beautifully!

This also confirms my suspicion that these are happy little micro-creatures! Thanks hine :-)