April 9

Kirby Plushie

Kirby Plushie I made this adorable Kirby plushie for a friend a few months ago.  After spending several days scouring the internet for a good knitting pattern for a ball, I came across this Kirby pattern on Ravelry.  I altered it slightly, using my own design for the feet, and making the eyes and mouth with felt, that I then glued on with a hot glue gun rather than knitting them as seen in the pattern.

It only took about three days to make, and I had a lot of fun knitting Kirby.

April 8

Knit Your Own Royal Wedding

A plethora of crafts and products have been inspired by the upcoming royal wedding of Will and Kate, but none so epic as Knit Your Own Royal Wedding, a book containing knitting patterns for not just Prince William and Kate Middleton, but members of the royal family as well.  The book even comes with a fold out of Westminster Abbey for you to stage your own wooly royal wedding.

This book is so amusingly epic I might just have to pick up a copy.

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April 8

Rocky Horror Amigurumi

Rocky Horror AmigurumiThese sassy little Rocky Horror Picture Show amigurumi — made by Shove Mink (a.k.a. Croshame) – are just too cool for school.

Deceptively simple in shape, these cute yarn creations come to life in the details. Check out Frankie’s removable cigarette, Columbia’s glittery get-up, Riff Raffs red eye circles, and Magenta’s beautifully blasé expression.  

I love this combination of crafting and cult cinema. Though, I don’t know how they’re going to Time Warp without any arms or legs…

Category: Craft, Geek, Movies, Toys | Comments Off on Rocky Horror Amigurumi
April 7

Synthetic Division Out Of Time

Remember a long, long time ago, when we interviewed author Shawn Decker about his book My Pet Virus? Well, the thing about Shawn is he is a geek chic trifecta. In addition to writing an amazing memoir he is also a member of Synthetic Division (how’s that for a geeky band name?), and their latest video, Out of Time, was too good not to share. Yes, those are Lego Men, in a teeny Playmobil hospital. Yes, that is synth pop. Yes their band is named after math. Yes, it is pure, golden fried awesome!

April 5

Weeping Angel Statue (with Tutorial!)

I’m a massive Dr Who fan. I love the old stuff, but I’ve got to say, hands down, the weeping angels are the best villains from the newer series’.

Craftster user Fayeven has really blown my mind this week by taking an old unwanted Barbie doll and converting it into a super creepy weeping angel statuette.

I don’t know about you, I’d LOVE to have one of these in my house, but I’d also be kinda afraid too, luckily Fayeven has reassured us:

“… do not worry for me who fans, I am placing a mirror directly opposite her so she will be trapped.”

Good thinking Fayeven!

Anyone like me considering re-purposing their old Barbies is in luck, as Fayeven has shared a tutorial on how you can make your own Creepy Weeping Angel Doll over on her blog and on Craftster.