March 2

I’d Hit That

This Mario themed cross stitch was featured over at Mr. X Stitch as a “stitchgasm” and I can see why. I’m going to have to make one for myself. Deviant-experiment01 posted this, saying it was “My first real “project” when it came to cross stitching”. This is such a great idea!

Category: Craft, Games, Geek, Video Games | Comments Off on I’d Hit That
March 2

It goes ding when there’s stuff

It goes ding when there's stuffWhoah!  It’s a timey-wimey detector necklace!!! (it goes ding when there’s stuff)  Really like the font, layout, and the extra ‘ding’ pendant is perfect!  I love this almost as much as I love David Tennant…

imaginationemporium on Etsy has this and other super sweet doctor pendants (allons-y!)  Yet another MUST HAVE for my collection :)

It goes ding when there’s stuff

Doctor Who on GeekCrafts

March 2

Desserts with Chemistry

I just saw this NPR story about the White House pastry chef, Bill Yosses, using molecular science principles in his cooking to pretty amazing effect!

From the article:

It turns out the chef who whips up pies for the president is also a bit of a scientist — calling on knowledge of how to help bubbles hold their shape and how crystals affect chocolate and salt, in the quest for healthier goodies.

You wouldn’t think taste tests would be on the menu, er, agenda when the American Association for the Advancement of Science assembles some of the world’s leading molecular biologists and geneticists and astronomers for a once-a-year look at exciting discoveries.

But White House pastry chef Bill Yosses exchanged his white apron for a bow tie Saturday to talk with scientists about how chefs are changing perceptions of taste.

Category: Craft, Geek, Science | Comments Off on Desserts with Chemistry
March 1

The Only Alien At School – Free Embroidery Pattern

I recently made this embroidered patch for the Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez craft swap on Craftster for Ralph. It’s inspired by the movie “The Faculty” where aliens take over a high school… you should watch it it’s great… and heck, I don’t believe in keeping ideas to myself so here…

Have the embroidery pattern for free!!

I’m pretty certain there’s people out there who could sew it up better than me anyhow… all T+C’s on my blog.;u=4205
Category: Craft, Geek, Movies, Sci-Fi | Comments Off on The Only Alien At School – Free Embroidery Pattern
March 1

Spock Felt Gadget Case

Spock Felt CaseHelp your electronic gadgets live long and prosper with this highly logical wool felt case featuring Star Trek poster boy, Spock.

Made by a mother-and-daughter team, Sarah and Luiza, the talented pair offers numerous geeky gadget cases through their Etsy shop Nokomomo

Star Wars fans can rock a Stormtrooper design, while Nintendo loyalists can show their pride with colorful Super Mario Bros. motifs. If I had an iPhone, though, their awesome David Bowie case would be mine in a heartbeat.

March 1

Weeping Angels Cross Stitch

The Weeping Angels are by far the scariest Doctor Who monster. Worse than the Daleks, worse than the Cybermen. And bunnystuffs managed to capture the creepyness. She posted this over at Crafty_Tardis, and sent it to a show in the UK. Her Weeping Angel is amazingly detailed, and the words glow in the dark. I’ve done cross stitch before, and I just don’t have the patience for something like this. The red highlights are perfect (because the angels just aren’t scary enough).I’m not sure I’d want this in the house though…one night you look up and the angel isn’t covering her face anymore…