February 22

Felt Microscope Magnet

Microscope magnetSometimes your mad laboratory needs a homey touch (especially if you spend more time there than you do at home).

You’re in luck! Sasha offers some super science-themed felt creations — including this charming microscope magnet — at her Etsy store What. No Mints?.

She also has other fuzzy creations for the chemistry nerd in your life, from Erlenmeyer Flasks key chains to brooches sporting the dopamine molecule.

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February 21

Amigurumi Discworld

Great A’Tuin the turtle comes, swimming slowly through the interstellar gulf…

I know the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett has dedicated fans (there’s some overlap with fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy–which is how I heard about Discworld) and this amigurumi proves it! I haven’t read the series (yet. The Colour of Magic is on my bookcase), but this makes me want to even more. PlanetJune decided to make this epic Discworld after making a sea turtle: “I spent hours studying, sketching, simplifying and photoshopping the Discworld Mapp so I could recreate it in cotton yarn”. I’m so glad she did! AND she has the approval of Mr.Sir Prachett himself!

February 21

Pipe cleaner Thrall

Wow, did I ever stumble upon a gem. The WoW Insider blog has a feature called World of WarCrafts that features, in their words, “art and creativity by WoW players, including fan art, cooking, comics, cosplay, music and fan fiction”. It is an absolute treasure trove of geek crafts!!

Chris Schultz, b/k/a Toepher, creates a variety of geeky figures out of nothing but pipe cleaner. They’re all amazing, but my eye was capured most intensely by his sculpture of Thrall.

When his work was featured on World of Warcrafts, Toepher talked about the process of building such intircate art: “The process is simple — well, simple to me, but to someone watching me make pipe cleaner characters, it can be kind of dumbfounding…I guess you can say I just have at it.”

If you’re any kind of WoW gamer/crafter at all, you MUST check out his stuff!

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