May 11

Star Trek Craft: Bajoran Earring

Bajoran earring by Patrick Hassel-Zein
Image courtesy Patrick Hassel-Zein

Being a fan of all things Star Trek, I was pleased to find this write-up on designing a Bajoran earring by Patrick Hassel-Zein.

If you’re familiar with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, you would have seen Major Kira almost always sporting a Bajoran earring on her right ear. Ensign Ro Laren also wore one on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

On his webpage, Patrick provides a little historic look into the Bajoran earring, and then offers some suggestions for designing your own.

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May 10

Iron Man Suit Made of Cardboard

Tony Stark doesn’t realize what he started when he created his first suit in those caves, because now anyone can make their own suits.

iron man

Taiwanese student and Cardboard Artist Kai-Xiang Xhong made a full-size, wearable Iron Man suit entirely out of cardboard for The Stan Winston School of Character Arts. His keeping the cardboard color and texture was deliberate, because that’s his style. It took Kai a year of working on the Iron Man suit in his spare time to complete it. Check out the SWSCA blog to see more of Kai’s creations.

May 10

Doctor Who Lawn Gnome

Have you ever wondered what David Tennant might look like as a yard gnome? Yeah, I know, that might be the weirdest question you hear all day, but bear with me.


Redforkhippie of Tulsa, OK posted this modified yard gnome into everyone’s favorite Time Lord, over at Craftster. She said her gnome started his little concrete life as a biker, complete with chaps, engineer boots, and a skull brooch/bolo tie/whatever.

She’s planning another modified gnome for Matt Smith, and it includes using a hacksaw to turn his gnome hat into a fez.

May 4

Star Wars Craft: Canvas Posters

Star Wars canvas poster by Christy Bright

Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you! In honor of this geek holiday, I bring you this cool Star Wars canvas poster craft from Christy Bright at Beach Brights.

Following a tutorial in DIY magazine, she Mod Podge’d two Star Wars posters to giant canvases to hang in her son’s Star Wars themed bedroom. She provided the steps to the canvas-poster project in a follow-up post.

Here is a pic of the posters hanging in the room – I love the collection of lightsabers hanging above the Star Wars adorned bed!

Star Wars room by Christy Bright

I love this idea of posters on canvas – Christy mentioned that the art looks painted on. I bet you could use Mod Podge Brushstroke to really enhance the effect. I’m thinking I may try my hand at it for some upcoming geek gift giving opportunities. What poster would you like to see on canvas?

Via Mod Podge Rocks.

Photo credit: Christy Beach, under Creative Commons license 3.0

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May 3

Even Your Ta-Ta’s Can Be Geeks

Xandrigirly over at Craftster posted the greatest bra of ALL TIME (all time, all time). Sorry, I just felt like it needed an echo there for the importance of her posting. She made her own superhero-themed bra!


She describes herself as a geeky artist and designer (she works in a craft store and teaches kids how to sew), but as someone who can’t sew without swearing, I’m seeing some real talent in the creation of this bra.

Ladies, this might be something we need to look into: most commercial bra patterns rarely hit a DD cup (not that I personally am that well endowed), but Xandrigirly researched it, and found a few independent pattern makers. She went with a pattern from MakeBra, mostly because it includes a foam lined cup. She said she only spent about $25 on this bra…and now I’m thinking I need a Spider-Man bra!

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April 28

Comic Book Craft: A Marvel-ous Guitar

Comic Book Guitar by Crafty Geeks

I have seen comic book art applied to a variety of mediums, from shoes to coasters to flasks. And today I bring you a musical medium – a comic book decoupaged guitar from Crafty Geeks. What a cool way to revamp a thrift store (or as the Crafty Geeks termed it, a “boot sale”) find!

What’s something you have upcycled or revamped?

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