March 21

Everyone’s Favorite Elder God

Now you can have everyone’s favourite elder god in plushie form. He’ll protect you from the monsters in your closet and under your bed while you sleep.

You can have him made in any colour you can imagine. You even make him sparkly! Sparklethulhu!

He just looks so huggable! Who doesn’t want an elder god they can hug?

Find him on Etsy

Concertina’s shop on Etsy

More Cthulhu-y goodness on Geek Crafts

Category: Craft, Geek, Horror & Gore, Myths & Urban Legends, Toys | Comments Off on Everyone’s Favorite Elder God
February 21

Amigurumi Discworld

Great A’Tuin the turtle comes, swimming slowly through the interstellar gulf…

I know the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett has dedicated fans (there’s some overlap with fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy–which is how I heard about Discworld) and this amigurumi proves it! I haven’t read the series (yet. The Colour of Magic is on my bookcase), but this makes me want to even more. PlanetJune decided to make this epic Discworld after making a sea turtle: “I spent hours studying, sketching, simplifying and photoshopping the Discworld Mapp so I could recreate it in cotton yarn”. I’m so glad she did! AND she has the approval of Mr.Sir Prachett himself!

February 15

Mario Mushroom Cushion

There are lots of Mario Mushroom pillows out there. Fleece plush ones, quilted ones, and of course, my favourite, Tunisian crochet ones. DeviantArt user AKRY has shared their knitted Mario Mushroom fan art cushion. This little pillow makes me think of all the little pillows I could make and place around my house strategically. Okay, I just want to be able to throw a green one at my hubby and then tell him “1UP!” I just won’t make any purple ones to get thrown back at me. If you lack the time or skills (or pattern) to make your own fan art pillows stop by knittedlove’s Etsy and buy the perfect cushion for your Beaded Mushroom Pin!

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February 8

Vampire Rag Dolls

Craftster artist vampyreragdolls is from Portugal and makes these incredible vampyre rag dolls! They come in all shapes and sizes and you can browse through more pictures on their blog. I love the little coffin boxes that they are packed in. Do these classic type Vampires get anyone else in the Valentines Day spirit?

February 8

Lubu Polymer Clay Robots

lubu robotsNothing says a geeky “I love you” like a personal robot. Especially when that robot is a super-kawaii version of your favorite pop culture icon.

Etsy shop Lubu has dozens of adorable polymer clay robots fit for every nerd and movie buff, from Star Wars poster boy Vader to The Hangover’s Alan and baby Carlos. There’s even a team of awesome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

As if these weren’t cute enough on their own, Jenn and Tony Bot (the team behind Lubu) staged some classic movie scenes with their robots, including Return of the Jedi, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and — my personal favorite — The Exorcist.

As Lubu’s profile promises, your eyes will be bleeding rainbows by the time you’re done taking in all the cuteness!