April 23

Incredible Lego Stargate Model

Lego Stargate by Kelly McKiernan

Whilst doing some research for my own geeky Stargate craft I came across this truly amazing Lego Stargate Model. It originally hit the Internet back in 2005 on mocpages.com, so apologies if you’ve seen this before a hundred times, but I just could not not post it.

It even has moving parts and light up chevrons! If I had this model, it would perhaps even bump my enormous Space Shuttle Lego from pride of place on the bookcase.

If you’re at all into Lego, make sure you take a look at mocpages.com as there seem to be endless* awesome Lego projects featured there. Who said these things were for kids?!

*358,359 Lego projects at time of writing

April 21

Introducing Beth Lynn!

bethlynnHello all!  I figured that since I’m brand new here, I may as well introduce myself!  (And introduce one of my most favorite projects, as well.)  I’ll be posting every Sunday afternoon, sharing my favorite geeky crafts from around the Internet!

As you may already have noticed, my name’s Beth Lynn.  I live with my husband Bryan, as well as four betta fish and a ridiculous collection of My Little Ponies, in beautiful Bloomington, Indiana.  I’m working on a second masters degree, in Information Science, and when I’m not nose deep in homework, I’m doing some sort of awesome geeky craft project!  I’ve been geeky as long as I can remember – I was an early reader (my mom claims I started reading before I was 2!), I’ve been playing video games since the tender age of five, and my mom was a Trekkie, so I’ve always been surrounded by wonderful nerdy things.  I’ve also been crafting since I was tiny, making tiny puppets when I was 8 and making doll clothes when I was 12.  As I got older, I started making bigger projects, like blankets, stuffed animals, and costumes!

Continue reading

April 16

You Can’t Take The Yarn From Us!!


The evil shadow of Fox has fallen again upon the verse. First they took our show. Now they want our yarn.

In the spirit of things, I’ve decided to share one of my favorite ’Cunning Cap’ inspired crafts… the Cunning Cozy! This cunning little cozy is the perfect place to store (or hide) your lip balm no matter where in the verse you are.

“Not a fan of lip balm? The hat can also be used as a pencil topper or ornament.” ~ Kristin Stevenson

The creator  of the Jayne Hat Lip Balm Cozy is Kristin Stevenson of Tiny Purrs. You may recognize her as the creator of the Ewok scoodie shared on this site earlier in the year.

April 13

Fox Is Cracking Down On Anyone Making And Selling Homemade Firefly Jayne Hats

f108_jaynes_hatAccording to Geek Girl Diva over at Fashionably Geek, “Apparently, fans who have been making and selling their versions of the Jayne hat for roughly the last 10 years are being sent “cease and desist” notices from Fox. It seems Ripple Junction now has an official license to make the Jayne hat (shown at right, the one sold through ThinkGeek for $24.99) and that means independent Browncoats who might be making and selling them are now infringing on the license for a simple patterned hat.” BTW, as of 04/13/13, there were 60 handmade Jayne hats for sale.

The Browncoats of the world did not approve and ThinkGeek took action:

“Browncoats, we hear your concerns about the cease and desist on Etsy Jayne Hat sellers!

“We weren’t involved in that process, but we have reached out to FOX and we’ve heard what you’ve had to say. As a result, we’ve decided to donate the profits from all Jayne Hat sales on our site to Can’t Stop the Serenity, a Browncoat charity dear to ThinkGeek’s heart that raises funds and awareness in support of Equality Now. We’ll continue making that donation until we run out of stock.

“We hope the Hero of Canton himself would approve.”

janye-hatThis was Think Geek’s udpated on 04/11/13: “So, we got Fillioned. Nathan Fillion tweeted a link to our blog post about our Jayne Hat donation to Can’t Stop the Serenity (thank you, Nathan!) and our blog couldn’t handle the traffic, taking the whole site down with it (thank you, Nathan?).”


April 13

This Bender Furnace Wants You to Bite His Shiny Metal… You Know

Futurama’s Bender, our booze pounding robot of the future, is ready to keep you warm and potentially cook your meat.

This wood stove called the “Bender Bending Rodriguez” was made by UK’s Rob Halftroll, and it was made of, “”5 gas bottles, 5kg of welding wire, 90 litres of CO2, various bits of steel mostly 1.2mm sheet, plenty of plasters and copious amounts of alcohol this is what I ended up with.”

If you check out Halftroll’s YouTube channel, you can see the Bender oven in action, in all it’s burning glory.

April 13

TARDIS sewing box

tardis sewing box2tardis sewing box


I absolutely adore this wibbly wobbly TARDIS sewing box!! Joesuplicki on Craftster made this amazing sewing box from scratch! What a fantastic idea! I would love to have a suitably geeky sewing box for all my geeky crafts! I love the attention to detail, down to the character pins and the details inside the TARDIS (it’s bigger on the inside!). I wish I had the skills to make one of these!