February 11

Much Ado About the Tenth Doctor

Much Ado About the Tenth DoctorOr how to transform figures into other characters of David Tennant. Yes, you read that right. Dieastra has been transforming action figures of the Tenth Doctor into other characters portrayed by David Tennant in various plays and films. Her medium used is Milliput which is a UK brand of epoxy putty.

The most recent creation by Dieastra is transforming his first appearance figure as the Tenth Doctor into David’s role in Much Ado About Nothing. Previous, Dieastra has transformed the pinstripe suited Tenth Doctor figure into Hamlet, both the tuxedo version and the ribcage t shirt version of Hamlet.

Dieastra provides step by step photos and directions here with how to do bare arms, here with how to make the feet bare, and here as Dieastra describes developing the shirt and jeans for the one Hamlet figure, finishing up with the final tuxedo touches here.

From there, she has recreated the white navy uniform pictured here from Much Ado About Nothing and gives the tips for it there with clear photos and instruction. The best part is that there will be more to come as she does his full dress uniform from the end of the play and the superman shirt as well!


February 9

Teeny Little Super Guy

Remember him? “You can’t judge a hero by his size. He’s just a teeny little super guy.” 

I was thinking about him the other day, (we were watching some old school Sesame Street) I thought, wouldn’t it be awesome to have one of those cups? Then I thought, I’m sure I could find one on Etsy.

Guess what? NO! No teeny super guy on Etsy! I couldn’t believe it! Everything is on there. So I had to make one myself. I’m not a great painter, but he’s not too bad for a first try.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Get paint for glass. I thought I did, but I ended up getting just plain acrylic. It’s not durable, or washable, but if you just want to keep it on a shelf it’s fine. You need Yellow, Red, Tan, and Black.
  2. Print out the little super guy, or draw him freehand (what I did) on a piece of paper.
  3. Put the paper inside the glass. Now just paint in the lines.

That’s all. It only took a few minutes. I made him on a mason jar, and I use him as a piggie bank on the top of my fridge. I sing the song every time I put a coin in. Now you can have your own little super guy.


February 8

My first post!

My name is Spyral. I’m pretty much a mad scientist of crafts (think Young Frankenstein not Human Centipede).

This is my first post on Geek Crafts. It was supposed to be posted yesterday but better late than never. I am wicked excited to be contributing to Geek Crafts! I love odd things therefore, a lot of my work is reflects that in some crazy way. Since I am weird, and slightly narcissistic,  for my first post I thought I would share some of my more abnormal creations with you all.

This is a cephalothoracopagus monosymmetros necklace. If you’re a medical geek you know that cephalothoracopagus monosymmetros means “connected at the head and thorax.” It is one of my tattoos. I like to think of them as a symbol of sisterly love. My sister and I are connected at the head and heart. Cephalothoracopagus monosymmetros is on display at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, my Mecca. If you don’t know about the Mutter Museum I believe it’s a crime against humanity not to click this link

This pattern was originally posted on the AntiCraft. While I was knitting it I got lazy and made a few changes. I also turned them into heat pads.

This is a tiny Old Gregg that I knitted for my little brother. I think it came out just awful but my brother likes it.

This is a Fetus Coin Purse. I found the pattern on The AntiCraft. I love that site! It is really creative.

I joke and call this piece my masterpiece. It was my first time knitting with multiple colors. It’s a Cephalothoracopagus monosymmetros bag.

You can find more messed up stuff on my craft blog: SPYRALEYES DESIGNS

Category: Craft, Geek, History, Horror & Gore, Science, TV | Comments Off on My first post!
February 6

Poppet of Power

Lanikins and I are united by tragic stories of loss in our respective childhoods.  She lost her She-Ra to a bratty brother attack and rightfully gives him a hard time about this crime to this very day.

I mourned an entire She-Ra family of action figures (good guys and bad guys!) that was accidentally thrown away. I stored the crew in a plastic bag with their “wedding” regalia.  I “designed” these bridal party gowns using multicolored Kleenex and my grandmother mistook the heaps of colored facial tissue for trash.  The Crystal Castle, once buzzing with activity, stood empty and hollow. My wails of sadness were likely heard all the way in Eternia.

So nearly 30 years later, it warms my heart to see Lani passing along the joys of She-Ra to a new generation of powerful young princesses with the lessons learned: I have no doubt this She-Ra will not fall pray to bratty brothers, nor will she need to suffer the indignities of a Kleenex wedding dress. This particular plushie was made as an exchange with Padfoot, and it was destined for Padfoot’s daughter.  Lani does the cutting and sewing for all of her plushies sans pattern, because she is  a plushie making goddess. Most of her plushies are not for use as children’s toys, but she rose to this particular challenge by making a beautiful doll that is built to last. Just like the good ol’ Princess of Power herself.

As part of her process, she did watch a lot of She-Ra on Netflix, which sounds really fun. She is currently working on some Dr. Who’s (10 & 11) so I’m guessing she’s suffering through those Neflix marathons. What a trooper ;-)

Category: Craft, Geek, Girly, Toys, TV | Comments Off on Poppet of Power
February 4

Red Shirt Syndrome!

Being active myself in historical reenactment for many years, the colder months were often spent at the sewing machine prepping for the upcoming events throughout the year. The same can be said for people who love attending Cons. Their creativity and ingenuity forever astounds me!

Working roughly off of a pattern and adapting on the fly, graverobbergirl on Craftster has made a great version of the original Star Trek costume! Even the hair and accessories show her dedication and attention to detail that are sure to make her stand out in the Con Crowd.

What makes graverobbergirl’s costume extra special is that she has planned for the inevitable. She has a patch to sew onto her costume when she finally (and inescapably) gets hit by the phaser aimed for a commanding officer!

The Expendable Yeoman (2-in-1 Trekkie Costume) – CLOTHING.

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