High Scoring Mum-Make

This picture was emailed to be by Alea, who’s mom made these oven cloths. Pretty awesome, right? I’ll let Alea explain in her own words;

Basically I just asked her if she could crochet stuff like that and she said she’ll give it a try. Took her about a year to find the time to do it, but for me it was worth waiting. The funny thing is that although the Game Boys we used to have belonged to me and my sister, my Mom was the one playing Tetris all the time and setting the highest records.

Well Alea’s mom doesn’t have a blog, or an Etsy or even a flicker account, so I’m afraid for now this pic is all your getting (but if we all gang up I’m sure we can persuade her to show off her brilliantness a bit more). In the mean time, I’m jealous because my mum can’t crochet OR play Tetris….

Stemware with a BITE!

Do you sometimes find yourself in the position of needing a gift for a special geek friend or loved one but the options that you are finding just aren’t right? I came across this Etsy shop this morning called Basement Invaders and it is FULL of geeked out stemware that would make awesome gifts for most any occasion!

There are Mario and Luigi mustache tumblers, Boo candle holders, Goomba drinking glass and so much more. If you’re looking for a unique Mario themed gifts, you need to check them out.


Soft spot for a troll softie

I spent many, many a year inhabiting the body of Roseblood, a troll mage, my wild World of Warcraft days. Trolls were a terrible choice, game-play wise. They had no compelling “race” bonus and their large feet meant that acquiring new footwear was meaningless, shoe-wise, since my feet were too big for the in-game shoe models. And what kind of fantasy world is that?  One in which you never, ever get to admire your cute new shoes?

Nevertheless, the troll life was for me: birthed among the red rocks of Durotar, swimming to exotic islands to fight the evil voodoo of rival troll tribes, gathering tiger fur, the rebellious tusks, the wild hair. Good times.

That love and dedication to the life of a troll comes across 125% in this troll plushie from twocheeseplease.  He is so sweet I’ll forgive him for being a hunter (my greatest PVP nemesis). Check out his cute little quiver! According to twocheeseplease, his eyes are hand painted and he is sporting yarn hair along with, “very manly tusks, a super soft minky body, and microfleece accessories.”

Manly and minky indeed!  As Roseblood would likely say, “”You’re the type I’d like to sink my teeth into!”See more of twocheeseplease’s amazing work:

Metroid Cross-Stitch iPhone Case

Hi, everyone! Today I’m in the mood to show off, a little. My husband’s a major Metroid fan, having played pretty much every Metroid game out there and even found a Metroid-themed drink, in the past. So when he joined the dark side got an iPhone, and I offered to cross-stitch him a case, I should probably have expected that he’d want an 8-bit Samus.

I basically copied the Samus Aran cross stitch from Azay’s Video Game CraftHaven. I admit: it’s a lot harder copying a finished piece than working from a pattern, for some reason. Which is to say, yes, anyone looking super closely will notice that I got a pixel flipped, but, uh, just don’t tell my husband, eh? ;)

Here are a couple of other Metroid-themed crafts from the past:

Tetris Table

Today I want to show you this amazing Tetris Side Table made by Annahowardshaw from Instructables.

The whole table is made from scratch and we are given the complete tutorial so you can create your own piece of retro geek furniture. The Tetris pieces are made from wooden cubes stuck together, sanded and painted. They are then glued on to the table after arranging them carefully.

Tutorial Tuesday: Mario and Sonic Quilt

It hurts me a little inside (or should I say, I get a little smaller, and lose my rings!) to see these two guys side by side. I love them both so much but it just reminds me that there won’t be any new SEGA consoles anytime soon… and that reminds me of the Dreamcast (swoon) … and that reminds me of Shenmue… I digress…

Instructables member SheWhoMustNotBeNamed has the perfect solution to my discontinued-game-console woes, with a fantastic Mario and Sonic quilt tutorial.

I could wrap myself up in it while I play my old Master System games…. doesn’t look the same on a 32″ TV *sniff*……………