Link Crib Quilt

Link Crib QuiltI think I must have babies on the brain.  Even if you do have the fastest baby in the world, eventually the little tyke has to go to sleep.  When they do, why not cover them up in this fantastic Link crib quilt by Etsian GeekUnique?

Not only do they make awesome geeky crafts of all sorts, but their last name is very close to mine, so you know it’s legit.

Check out the quilt!

Visit GeekUnique on Etsy!

More Zelda on Geekcrafts!

Sonic the Hedgehog Bib

Sonic the Hedgehog BibDo you have the fastest baby alive?  Is your baby always hording rings and then throwing them into the air when he or she crashes into spikes?  Then this is the bib for you.  Throw this thing on your baby and everyone will stop asking if they have super powers from some horrible radioactive truck accident.

AiTenshi on Etsy makes all kinds of wicked baby apparel, from this awesome Sonic bib, to equally awesome bibs of WHATEVER KIND YOU WANT!  She doesn’t just make bibs though, so check her out!

Check out the Sonic Bib!

Visit AiTenshi on Etsy!

More video game stuff on Geekcrafts!

Pac-Man Cufflinks

Pac-Man CufflinksI have made no secret of my love of video games, but did you know that I am also quite a classy fellow.  Like any gentleman with refined tastes, I love cufflinks.  They are an important part of any classy gentleman’s wardrobe.

These Pac-Man cufflinks would go best with a glass of expensive champagne and some polite dinner conversation.  Etsian CsCharms has crafted them perfectly out of enamel and silver plated brass, as it was done in the Victorian era.

Go see the cufflinks!

Visit CsCharms on Etsy!

More Pac-Man on Geekcrafts!

Reader Submission: Megaman Quilt

We love Megaman… and when I say ‘We’ I mean ‘I’

Quilter Cindy Jo shares just how easy it is to make highly effective quilt pixel art:

“I just had to share the quilt I made for my son for Christmas. He really likes the Megaman games so I went online and found a simple drawing of his and then used Paint Shop Pro to make him looked pixelated. I then just made a square of different colored cloth for each pixel.”

Thanks Cindy Jo!

Tutorial Tuesday: Cucco (and more!!)

Here’s a reader submission/tutorial double header!

Gina from is a cross stitch wizard… and to be fair I really shouldn’t be featuring her Cucco, I should be featuring her Ode to Spot cross stitch, and pattern. Her Chrono Trigger Sprites Cross stitch, and pattern. Or her insanely EPIC Bahamut Vs Alexander cross stitch and pattern, which weighs in at an impressive 30,000 stitches.

But no. I’m featuring the Cucco cross stitch and pattern… because it’s cute.

Hit us up on the submit a geekcraft link if you’ve got a tutorial or a craft you would like to see here!