Search Results for: pac-man

April 9

Glass Beadwork Beads: Pokeball and Pac-man’s Inky

Last week Make: Craft featured a post on glass beadwork on wooden beads. As a bit of a dabbler in bead-weaving myself I was keen to have a go, and soon found myself wondering how to apply the technique to something geeky, as you do. What do you reckon to my Pokeball bead and Inky from Pac-man?

Glasswork beaded beads - Pac-man Ghost and Pokeball

It took some trial and error, and they aren’t the quickest of things to make, but enjoyable nonetheless. If you want to give it a go you’ll need lots of tiny seed beads (I used 3 mm), some tough beading thread and something to bead around. The tutorial uses wooden beads, but I used polystyrene balls from a craft store, so they are actually pretty lightweight.

The full beaded beads how-to can be found here. The tutorial is in Czech, but the images are easy to follow and you can see the Google Translate version of the page here.

If anyone has any suggestions for other spherical geeky things that could be beaded like this, post below!

March 26

Instructable: Magnetic Pac-man Calendar

Pac-man Calendar

I love this submission we received. It’s such a simple idea that it’s one of those things you think “why haven’t I seen this before?”. The board is a metal plate, and all the pieces are magnetic so re-positionable for maximum retro-geek fun. I’m definitely planning on giving this a go. We get heaps of stupid free advertising fridge magnets in our mailbox, so perhaps this is a good way of upcycling them!

Head over to for the How-To written by ChrysN. And don’t forget to post some pics below if you give this a try yourself! I’d love to see this applied to other games, such as a Space Invader calendar where each invader is a day of the month and you get to blow one up each morning – it would be especially nice to kill Mondays!

November 2

Portland Post-It Pac-Man

I was downtown a few days ago and spotted this cool little Post-It Pac-Man scene that someone put together – an Oregon answer to the San Francisco scene Sherezada blogged about in May?

Love the power pellets and especially Pac-Man’s contrast eye.

You can find this one at the corner of NW 12th and Davis in Portland. It spans two windows for maximum horizontal video-game effect.

Whoever made this one, thanks! Any other Post-It Pac-Men sightings out there? (Or Tetris, or any other pixelated masterpieces?) Please snap a photo and add it to our geekcrafts flickr pool or comment with a link and where you spotted it, we’d love to see more of these.

September 6

Tutorial Tuesday: Ms. Pac-man Amigurumi

Today’s tutorial comes from Allison Hoffman of

Allison is a crocheting superhero who has designed Amigurumi likenesses of Pee Wee Herman, Wonder Woman, Conan O’Brien and Coraline, which are all available on her Ravelry Store.

Isn’t this just the cutest ball of hungry little yellow you’ve ever seen? Find the pattern here.