…just because she was bored. :)
Makeup artist Channing Carlisle proved she was more than up to the challenge of literally turning herself into a mermaid with the help of special effects products and some makeup brands you likely have in your own arsenal right now. She explained that she was inspired by fellow makeup artist Arianna Blean, who had posted a video where she painted fish scales onto a client’s leg. (What’s a leg except for a skin-covered fish tail that’s been split in two, right?)
But Channing didn’t stop at painting scales onto her leg, as she used SFX techniques to make it seem like her skin was being ripped open to reveal a glistening tail. To achieve the look, she used Inglot Cosmetics, Mehron Makeup, and Anastasia Beverly Hills products, among other brands. The result was a look so realistic, it went viral on Twitter and left some commenters confused as to what, exactly, happened to her leg.
But if you think this is Channing’s “grossest” work, you’d be far from correct. She pointed out that last October, she’d created a “maggot-infested wound” on her own hand. Yep, definitely the grossest. Mermaids have nothing on maggots.