April 16

Reader Submission: Stay Puft Amigurumi

If there are two things I love, they are the Ghostbusters movies, and Bill Murray. Yes, I know Bill Murray was in both Ghostbusters movies, that really isn’t the point. The point is, Tracey, at Mostly Nerdy Crochet, crocheted this desk buddy Stay Puft Amigurumi and I love him. I just love him!

Category: Craft, Geek, Movies, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Reader Submission: Stay Puft Amigurumi
April 15

Embroidered Dice Bag

Embroidered dice bagFor all my craftiness, I’m usually pretty bad about making handmade gifts in time for holidays and birthdays.

I was determined to do things differently when my husband’s birthday rolled around last month. He’s a big gamer, and I knew he needed a new dice bag to hold his gaming dice. So, I actually planned ahead (gasp!)  and put together a hand-embroidered dice bag from scratch.

I made the pouch out of fabric from a pair of torn jeans (hooray for up-cycling) and some nice corded trim. The symbol is the “Codex of Ultimate Wisdom” from the old Ultima computer games, which he loved as a kid.

He was absolutely thrilled to get it on his birthday. Perhaps this marks a new trend for me in punctual gift-giving. Only time will tell.

Category: Craft, Games, Geek, Video Games | Comments Off on Embroidered Dice Bag
April 14

SSID & WEP Key Cross-stitch Sampler

SSID & WEP Key Cross-stitch SamplerClever and crafty! Craftster user OmegaChicken cross-stitched this SSID & WEP Key sampler:

My housemate got the idea from when friends come over with laptops and mobile devices and always need to connect to her wifi.  It was a hassle looking at the router every time and she doesn’t know how to change the password to something memorable and whenever she wrote it down on something, it’d get lost.  So here it is to be framed and hung on the wall.

Also check out his Etsy shop

for more cross-stitched geekery.

April 14

Reader Submission: BAM POW Fingerless Gloves

Reader Paul Boers ran across the Etsy shop that sells these BAM POW Fingerless Gloves, among many other awesome super hero gloves, and sent it to us. Thanks, Paul! TinyBully sells these and many others, to include one pair, that feature the Bat Signal and pyramid spikes, in this super-awesome Etsy shop!

April 13

Doctor Who Inspired Fibonacci Scarf

I realize we have had quite a bit of Doctor Who crafts lately, but what do you expect–geek website+new season looming=lots of that; plus, this is a math scarf, too. Noodle created this awesome two color Doctor Who Inspired Fibonacci Scarf for her boyfriend, who wanted a Tom Baker-esque scarf, but wasn’t much into multiple colors. She had the genius idea of incorporating the Fibonacci sequence, and as  you can see, it was a total success.

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